Chapter 8

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"Hey kiddo."

"What the hell is going on here!?"

"Well first of all how much has Chris told you?"

I frowned. What was he talking about? How was Topher involves in any of this.


"Clearly nothing. Well hun your brother is the leader of a massive drug ring and he owes us alot of money for shis he bought off of us. We gave him 3 months to hand over the cash but he never did so we had to try a different approach and that was taking the most important thing to him. You."

"Well then why am I still here? If Topher knew he would have given you the money right away."

"Guess he doesn't care about you after all."

With that Jaydon walked out of the room.

So that happened.

I can't believe Jaydon would do this! He was like a brother to me growing up! Fuck him.

I just wanna know why the hell Chris isn't here saving me!


"Did you hear all that?"

"Yeah I did." I replied.

"Why isn't he here Ty?! I thought he loved me! He's my big brother he's supposed to protect me!" she cried.

"I know Kaz. But hey I'm here and I'm getting you out of their no matter what."

"Thanks Ty."

"Hey I think we know where you are and you're never gonna guess where."


"In my next door neighbours basement." I said flatly.

I'm such a fucking idiot! I'd seen 5 people goin in and out of that place a lot 4 guys and 1 girl to be specific.

"You're kidding me right?"

"I wish."

"Just forget it right now we need to come up with a plan."

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