one like yeo one from ptg

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Third Person POV

"Yes, it's the first day of high-school for me. This school is apparently only for males. My first freshman this year. I know nobody since I'm coming all the way from South Korea. Well, I do know my neighbor, Felix, but him and I aren't too close—and he is a sophomore, so I won't have many classes with him since he takes advanced classes. I chose to take advanced classes, so I'll be in class with other sophomores. As it is now time to go, I must leave to write again in the future.


Jeongin finished his journal entry and walked out his front door off to his neighbor's car.

"Hey Felix!"

"Oh, hey there Jeongin! Come on, we have to go so I can pick up some of my best mates!"

Jeongin laughed at the other boy's Australian accent and sat in the passenger seat. Felix started to drive off and Jeongin watched as they just stopped at the first house. He looked at the two boy's who were together. They both took a seat in the back and looked at Jeongin then Felix.

"Felix, who's this kid?" Asked the dark, intimidating boy with a sharp chin.

"Ah, he's just Jeongin-ie, my next door neighbor. Jeongin meet Changbin and Minho. Minho and Changbin meet Jeongin."

"Oh, hello, nice to meet you. I'm Changbin." Said the dark boy, but when he smiled, he seemed more soft than intimidating.

"I'm Minho." Said the other soft looking boy who was rather quiet. Felix started to drive off. He stopped at an area that was not too far from where they were before. A tall, handsome boy sat in the seat behind Jeongin.

"Aye, Felix, who's this?" Asked the handsome boy.

"Just my neighbor, Jeongin. He's a freshman in our school—but from what I heard, he's smart." Felix said as he pat Jeongin on the shoulder a bit.

"Oh, well, Hello Jeongin. I'm Hyunjin." Said the handsome man sitting behind the rather flushed Jeongin. Jeongin introduced himself back and they drove off to school.

When Hyunjin stepped out of the car, he went and grabbed the door for the struggling Jeongin.

"Bag too heavy for you, Braces boy?" Hyunjin teased him. Jeongin just rolled his eyes at his comment and stepped out, backpack on back.

"I can carry it just fine. Thanks." Jeongin said sarcastically. He looked at his schedule and walked to first period—hopefully, away from Hyunjin. Jeongin went to grab a lonely seat in the very back so that way he wouldn't have to speak so much to any other students—considering the fact that he was the only freshman in there along with maybe one or two.

Right when Jeongin thought he was safe, Hyunjin walked inside the classroom, eyeing Jeongin. They got into a deep stare before the bell rung and Hyunjin walked to sit in the empty seat next to Jeongin. Hyunjin looked over at Jeongin and Jeongin looked back at Hyunjin.

"Uh.. I was fine alone..." Said the awkward Jeongin. Then Hyunjin handed him a paper. It had a combination of random numbers on it.

"It's my phone number. Text it or call it sometime. I want to get to know you, cutie." Hyunjin said as he slightly and softly pat onto Jeongin's lap, causing him to fluster up. Jeongin then thought, 'Oh, how fun this'll be.'


Jeongin was walking out the school to Felix's car. He was about to sit in the passenger seat but Hyunjin pulled him back. "Hey, Baby Braces, you should sit with me." He said with a slight chuckle. Jeongin just sat with him near the window. 'Why'd he want me to sit here so badly. I just met him today and he is already being so clingy.' Jeongin ignored his thoughts when he started to yawn.

"Alright Hyunjin, here's your stop." Felix said with a smile and a wave.

"Oh, I'm taking Jeongin by the way!" Said Hyunjin as he grabbed Jeongin out the car and pulled him into his house. He dragged him upstairs and through him onto the bed. Jeongin was laying there confused and he attempted to get up and out. He ran to the door, but Hyunjin locked it of course. Jeongin leaned on the door, staring at Hyunjin. Hyunjin put his hands beside the confused Jeongin.

"Tell me Jeongin.. why are you playing with my feelings..?" Asked Hyunjin who seemed to be constantly licking his lips with deep breaths of mint every time he spoke.

"Wh-What do you mean.. Hy-Hyunjin..?" Jeongin asked as he felt cold hands graze across him. He bit his lip tight and hard—he didn't know how to feel about this.

"Call me.. Hyunjin Hyung.. not just Hyunjin." Whispered Hyunjin into Jeongin's ear.


When they both woke up the next morning, Jeongin was only wearing one of Hyunjin's big T-Shirts and nothing under. Hyunjin was only wearing his jeans and underwear. Hyunjin rolled over and grabbed onto Jeongin's hand, squeezing it. "You're cute, you know."

"Hush. I'm grown, not cute." Jeongin insisted, but Hyunjin just looked at him in a 'bitch no' kind of way. He put his arms around Jeongin, making them in a spooning position. He kissed the back of Jeongin's neck lovingly. That slowly turned into other things like Hyunjin being super affectionate, and Jeongin trying push Hyunjin away.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you? And don't want it to end, don't you? Well, it doesn't have to—" Surprisingly, Hyunjin was cut off when Jeongin pulled him into a sweet kiss. Hyunjin smiled in the kiss and pulled Jeongin over on top of him. "You're cute, Jeongin." Hyunjin said, during the small, second-long break from the kiss.

Jeongin pulled away, "Hyung, it's time for school and Felix will be here to pick us up, and I just met you yesterday! You're too quick, Hyunjin." Jeongin said as he got up off the bed and started to search Hyunjin's dresser for clothes. Hyunjin came up behind him and put his arms around him. He started to sway him side to side, "I know we met yesterday, but you caused this little Jeongin-ie." Jeongin was still confused when he said that.

"What do you even mean by that?! How did I cause this?!" Jeongin was starting to get a little upset by this—and he was yelling while he was putting on clothes. Hyunjin's smirk disappeared and he pushed Jeongin onto the wall. "You don't know?" Asked Hyunjin. He put their foreheads together, "You're too cute, Jeongin." He said with a little laugh and slight smile. He got off Jeongin and grabbed some clothes for the both of them. They both got dressed and walked outside to wait for Felix.

When Felix drove by, Minho was in the front seat and Changbin was in the seat to the most left. Jeongin just took the middle seat and Hyunjin sat next to him. "So, how was you guy's night. Oh, and Jeongin, I told your mother that you went to Hyunjin's place so she wouldn't worry. She didn't like how spontaneous this was though." Felix spoke as he drove off to the school.

"Oh, thanks Felix, and about last night, well, Hyunj—" Jeongin was cut off by Hyunjin squeezing his arm in a way of letting him know that he shouldn't speak of anything they did last night. "Yeah, I just let Jeongin borrow some clothes of mine. He is quite small though." Hyunjin said as he looked over to Jeongin, half-smiling and half-smirking.

Felix nodded and pulled his car into one of the school's parking slots. He stopped his car and unlocked it. Everyone stepped out and Jeongin ran off into the school to the restroom. He only went in to go and check on himself a bit. "Ah, I look so.. eh.. I mean.. I could change into my gym clothes..?" He said as he was talking to himself.

Then, someone walked out of the restroom stall with a small journal in his hand. "Hm? What do you mean? You look so cute." The boy had slightly red-brown-ish hair. "I'm Jisung, nice to meet you." The boy smiled and walked up to Jeongin. "Oh, I'm Jeongin.." Jeongin said awkwardly. "Is everyone here—" Then some other group of boys walked into the restroom.

They looked like those popular bad boys in some cliché high school. Jisung looked quite terrified when the boys walked into the restroom. "Uh—T-Taehyung, I have the paper, just give me a second—" Jisung said in a worried tone. He grabbed a piece of homework out of his bag, then two more for the other two boys. Then, after they looked over it, they walked out the restroom.

"Who were they, Jisung?" Jeongin asked. "The one in the front was Kim Taehyung, the one on the left of him was Mark Tuan, and the one to the right of him was Byun Baekhyun. They are really popular here in school—and online. I do a lot of their homework, but I don't mind, I get paid." Jeongin simply nodded and watched as he zipped up his backpack. "I'm going to class, see you Jeongin!"

hyunin bc i dont want to think of a good titleWhere stories live. Discover now