eight like the8 from svt

285 11 3

Jeongin stopped speed walking once he had reached the park. Though, Hyunjin wasn't there yet— ' He's probably still on his way? ' Jeongin thought to himself as he took a seat on the swing, swinging back and forth.

After waiting about forty-five minutes, Jeongin started to cry. He was so emotional. ' He's not coming. ' He kept saying to himself as he stepped off from the child's swing and started to walk out of the park, turning around to look back for a second.

" Hey. " He heard someone say, causing him to jump to see Hyunjin. Jeongin wiped his tears away before running into Hyunjin's arms, hugging him tighter than he's ever hugged someone— but Hyunjin didn't seem to happy to see him, in fact he pushed him off.

" Jeongin.. I'm still pissed off at you. " Hyunjin said after pushing him off and crossing his arms.

" Oh. " Jeongin choked out while trying to clear his throat and stop his crying. The two sat at a picnic table in the park. " So why did you want me out here so late? " Hyunjin asked with a clear attitude in his voice. Jeongin wasn't going to get mad at him for it though, he basically took all of Hyunjin's friends away for himself.

" I wanted to fix things, hyung. I don't like the bad tension between us. " Jeongin said while Hyunjin created an angry expression, even growling before he spoke.

" Alright.. listen.. I'm not gonna yell at you even if I want to punch your sweet little innocent face. " He said in a mockingly tone. " You don't realize it, but you took all of my friends. But I've started hanging out with a.. new group.. " Hyunjin said while looking at Jeongin dead in the eyes.

" Is there something different about this group? Can you drag me in? I want to be your friend again, Hyunjin hyung. " Jeongin said while putting his hand onto Hyunjin's hand on the table, gripping tightly with a soft smile.

" Jeongin.. you're not getting it. It's a group of girls. " He said while slowly trying to pull his hand away from the other male who was confused.

" Oh, that's fine, I don't mind hanging out with girls.. it's not like I'm scared of girls, hyung.. " Jeongin said with a confused smile.

" Jeongin.. I'm straight. "

Jeongin felt his heart break right there. " Oh.. but I thought we had.. a thing? "

" Yeah, we did but I don't know anymore.. there's this girl. " Hyunjin started to blush as he spoke, clearly thinking of this crush of his.

Though, seeing the blush and the smile on the other male's face— it was sweet, but absolutely heartbreaking for Jeongin's little heart.

" Y-Yeah.. what's her.. uhm.. name..? " Jeongin asked with a weak smile, choking with each word while holding back sobs.

" Her name is Somi. Jeon Somi. " Hyunjin said as he started to giggle and smile uncontrollably. " I want her to be mine. I've fallen so deeply in love with her. It's like I'm in eighth grade all over again Jeongin! " He spoke with such a cheerful tone and Jeongin couldn't help but to smile.

" I'm sorry.. I haven't gotten to tell anyone yet. But I suppose I'll let you hang out with us tomorrow. I was gonna take her to the movies. We're watching the new annabelle movie. " Hyunjin offered to which Jeongin, of course, accepted.

" Of course.. anything for you hyung.. "

Time Skip

Jeongin and Hyunjin were meeting Somi there. When they went to the movies, Somi was there waiting, and once she noticed the two, she ran up to him and hugged Hyunjin tightly while practically screaming, " Hyunjin oppa! "

Jeongin felt, not much embarrassed, but more of hurt, but smiled and waved anyways. " Hi! I'm his friend.. Jeongin. " He said with a faint smile.

" Oh hello? Uh.. I'm Somi. I've never heard about you. What's your birthday? " She asked. (I'll make her birthday March 29, 2000 for this lol)

" Oh, February 8th, 2001. " Jeongin stated while scratching his head.

" Ah.. I'm your.. um.. noona.. " Somi said while clearing her throat, giving a look of disgust.

" Let's just go watch the movie, yeah? " Hyunjin asked awkwardly, knowing the two didn't like each other that much.

The two agreed and got a large thing of popcorn. They entered the movie theatre at the right time, when they sat down and got comfortable, the movie started.

Hyunjin sat in the middle and the entire time, Somi was clinging onto Hyunjin and squealing at every part into Hyunjin's poor ears lmao.

Jeongin though, every time he got a bit spooked, his hand would find Hyunjin's hand. But Hyunjin would always squeeze Jeongin's hand, then pull it away after feeling Somi's glare on them— or just Jeongin.

' Funny. A day ago you were strangling me, but now you want me around just to pull me around as a third wheel. ' Jeongin thought.

After the movie, the trio walked out and decided they'd just walk around the city talking— well, it was more of just Somi and Hyunjin flirting while Jeongin watched.

But at least this was helping him keep his feelings to himself.

They kept walking but Jeongin ended up overhearing something. " Awe, Hyunjin oppa, you know, I actually think I'm in love! " Hyunjin immediately turned red as a jar of maraschino cherries.

Jeongin turned red too, but because he feels like he's going to breakdown. All this was too much for him to handle. He got his phone out to text Seungmin, his boyfriend.


You :
hyung, can you please come and pick me up?

seungminnie❤️❤️ :
yeah, of course where are you and what's wrong baby?

You :
im by the starbucks in the town square, i just really need to see you, i need someone to hold me, i miss you

seungminnie❤️❤️ :
i'll be there in a few minutes, don't worry, i love you 💕

hyunin bc i dont want to think of a good titleWhere stories live. Discover now