Chapter 6

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Warning: there are some violent words and etc.

I walked towards them with my usual fake character to fool everyone in this school. Since I turn in the corner first to not cause any suspiciousness and walk towards them after giving my lunch back at the trash.

"Hello." The all looked at me with blank stare while the girl named Yui looked at me with confusion written on her face.

"Sorry to disturb. But can I speak to your friend right here, Yui right?" I glanced at Yui and saw her nodded.

Actually, there are six of them in the table except Yui. Two red heads, two purple heads, and two blondes.

"Why is it so important to make you disturb people?"

More like Vampires.

"Well, I thought it would be okay to approach new people like you, because that's just how everyone do." They all frowned at me except for the worried girl. She's probably worried for me.

"Not everyone hunny." The long red head speak, glancing at me with such adoration.

He's name is Laito one of the triplets. I heard Azuna speak at my mind again.

"Let me change all of your mind."

Narrator's POV

( Since I suck at describing, their dance steps is still the same. I just replaced the scene. Hehehe)

Maiko walked away from them when music suddenly play inside the cafeteria. Everyone turned to the girl, who walked to a student's table and sat at their table.

"And there's a fresh breeze headed down the beach, saving me from the heat." She sang and lean on the table.

The four demons can't help to sigh but smile when they heard her sing, it wasn't like her scary soothing voice, her voice was more than amazing.

"A new beginning on a wave of endless possibility
I feel a good change coming 'round the bend
Can't help but move my feet
It's a different story, 'cause I changed the end." She bend down to a boy who was staring at her and lift up his chin and winked.

All demons seemed to frown when the guy blushed when she winked.

"I make my own destiny
I make my own destiny
I make my own destiny
I make my own destiny." She jogged across the room, inviting everyone to stand up.

"Dancing and a-howling, shaking and a-shouting
Overflowing like a soda fountain
Moving and a-grooving, everything is new when
I take your hand and I dance with you
Let me show you how we do." She dance in the middle as everyone raised up their trays and danced with it. (Just like in the scene instead it was their trays of food). And when the music stopped

"Bubble bubble bubble-a, popple popple popple-a
Sparkle sparkle rattly-doo
Fizzle fizzle fizzle-a, whizzle whizzle whizzle-a
Boom-a, boom-a, that's how we do." She danced by her own until she pull the demons' who happened to be the next table to her and all students danced with except those vampires who looks out of place and also weirded out.

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