chapter 6

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Venditta pov

I spended my half of the day in bed and my stomach kinda forced me to eat something so i decided to make mac n cheese as it was easy to make it.

The fact that tomorrow is monday made me so lazy i am not ready for the college it gets so boring and ugh can we just not forget about million of asignments. I am glad its my last year which is gonna be finished in like 2 more months.

As i started to make the mac n cheese my phone started to ring. I checked the phone only to see that it was a unknown number.

"Hello?" I cautiously said.


" how did you got my number?" I asked

"Perks of being the future alpha" my lips turned upward at his reply.

"I will call it more like perks of being a stalker" i teased.

" i am yours so whatever you wanna call me" my smile increased at his reply he said he's mine!.


"Hellooo? Can you hear me?" I was snapped back into the real world.

" yes! Yes i can" i replied hurriedly because he might cut the call thinking that i cant hear him.

" i wanted to inform that i am coming to your place to discuss few things about us" and here comes the mini heartattack i got from his words.

Was he gonna reject me again?

Humilate me?

I had no idea!.

I cutted the call and decided to eat my food fastly so i will have more time to get ready and look decent.

By the time i was brushing my hair just so they look neat. The door bell rang.

I silently praised myself for moving my ass fastly and for getting ready  on time.

I didnt wanted to look extra i mean wont that add more into the men's ego that a girl is getting ready for them?.

So i just wore a simple seagreen tshirt with pants with minimal makeup.

I exhaled heavily so that i wont look that nervous.
Opening the door i came face to face with the most attractive human i have seen on this earth. My mate.

I smiled and opened the door fully for him to enter easily. He smiled back warmly.

"So what brings you here at this time?" I breaked the silence since i was expecting him to say something but he didnt so soneone had to do it anyways.

" i wanted to see my gorgeous mate" he replied with a smile and pulled me closer from my waist.
My heart warmed at his action
And not to forget these butterflies that i felt in my stomach.

I have never felt like this before. Even his small such affectionate actions makes me so happy i am sure by now i would probably have a very large smile on my face.

As he pulled me more closer i putted my hands on his shoulder.

"So you are only here because you wanted to see me?" I asked proudly.

"Yes and also because i wanted to discuss something with you" he wanted to discuss something with me what could it be? Wait is he planning on rejecting me again. This thought made me move out of his hold and i stood a good few inches away from him.

I was already feeling stupid for even giving this a try. I never thought that  one person could hold the power to make me feel like i wasnt enough.
The confidence in me died the very first time he told me i wasnt pretty. I mean yes he probably didnt mean it but it still couldn't stop the pain i felt.
I didnt wanted to live like this, with the fear that at any second my mate will reject me just because he changed his mind or thought i wasnt enough.

"Hey? I am talking to you babe? Is everything ok?" He asked me cautiously.

" um sorry i zoned out. What do you wanna talk about?". I asked nervously.

" i wanted to ask you that as you are my mate and we both accepted eachother when will you come at my place to start a life the way mates do" he replied nervously.

I narrowed my eyes at his reply.
" what do you mean?". I asked.

" what i mean is that as we are mates when will you start to live with me i mean we dont need a marraige lol that dont happen in our world" he laughed at my expressions.

I gasped as it dawned to me that what he was saying. Damn! How can i forget about this? That as soon as i find my mate i am suppose to live with him!.

And here i thought that he's gonna reject me. Silly me.

" because as a future alpha i need my mate with me so that you can train to be a luna". He replied and walked towards me and hugged me while whispering "my luna". I swear i felt my heart skip a beat.

I was just so shocked and happy that this whole time i was quiet i mean this same guy told me that he dont want me as his soulmate and now here he is telling me how he wanna make me his queen!.

"Cat got your tongue?" He laughed as he breaked the hug.

" where is that feisty little cat i know" he teased.

" ha.ha." i dryly laughted and rolled my eyes.

"I am just a bit nervous isnt this happening to fast?" I whispered.

He raised his eyes at my reply" fast? It was suppose to happen the day i found you. Dont be scared! You have no idea how important you are for me. So now say yes because i will keep you happy for as long as i am alive" i replied while caressing my hand with his thumb. I am so damn lucky.

"Yes! Tell me when should i start my packing" i giggled.

"I will pick you tomorrow from this place to take you to your new home" he replied with sincerity in his eyes.

My new home.


Yes so finally i decided to update.
More like decided to start writing again!.

This is unedited so it might contain alot of mistakes also because English isnt my first language.

Anyways here we go.

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Because your feedback is important to me!.

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