...Dear old friend...

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I guess when things come to an end, it's always hard, especially if it meant so much to you. No matter how it ended it still pains. They may claim you hurt them. They may believe you never loved them at all...though that's far from the truth.

I feel this will help me so lets begin...

Dear old friend,

This is for you.

Its hard to confess this and not let my pride get ahead of me, but I miss you. Quite a lot actually. No matter how I think of it, you were the first  friend who made me feel wanted, who I felt like I could actually talk to without having to rehearse a bloody conversation in my head before hand. "I'll be that person". I'll never forget those 4 words that were the start of us. Although we didn't last long, there was definitely something special that we had which makes me miss you till today. I know I'm a Coward for running away from you, but even if I tried, It'll never be the same again.

I can't say I'm not grateful though... I'm grateful for the time we spent, the smiles, the laughter. The times we would spend on the phone talking, looking at the moon, our crazy ideas and plans, having our bedtime routines together, our days waiting till we can see one another, counting the hours, minutes, seconds... Those sweet memories may seem bitter now.

But it's okay. Time heals everything.

People make mistakes and that's okay. I have to forgive myself for everything I've done to make us suffer. Usually I'm a pro at moving on from people but something wont allow you to leave my heart. Why? I hope I have left yours though. I hope you slowly forget about me. I hope and pray I become a distant memory of the past.

I must let you know though, that I meant everything. I meant it when I said I loved you. I meant what I wrote in the song at the time. I cared for you a lot and hoped we would last for a long time. You were the person I looked forward to see everyday. I had a attachment problem with you. A unhealthy attachment issue. I miss our long hugs, though I rarely hug. You actually owed me one, but that's long forgotten.

Perhaps this was for the best, after all I do believe everything happens for a reason and even though it's hard and I miss you. I want to move on.

So today with a heavy heart but determined soul, I let go of you and accept what we have today.


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