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Leaving you, broke my heart,
They told me you shattered into millions of shards,
I told Them it was for the best,
Then begged to not tell you the rest,
Still haunted by the memories,
I tried healing piece my piece,
Nothing was helping,
As days went by,
The pain was getting worse,
I tried to keep myself busy,
Opened my mind to think clearly,
But leaving without telling you,
Was what made me so uneasy,
Then when you thought i'll never return,
You must've finally started to heal,
But I came back,
It hurt, really it did,
It was all so unreal,
You stared at me in shock,
But I could'nt really blame you,
Your hot tears streamed down my back,
And the way your shoulders shook,
I could'nt believe i did this to you,
Our love was now old and not as new,
I had to fix us,
I could'nt see myself without you,
But you did'nt ask me why.
Why did'nt you ask the reason i left?,
You just told me to stay forever,
Never leave your side,
so you can hold it all together,
You trembled and cried,
For a second i thought you may have died,
I did'nt want to let you go,
Im sorry for all the pain you went through though,
I'll try to make it up.
But there really is not much i can do,
Just understand without doubts,
When i say,

2UTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon