Chapter 1

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Kyle yawned as he got off the bus; He had been up all night. He couldn't stop thinking about what Heidi had become thanks to Cartman. He was so deep in his thoughts that he collided with Stan and got knocked down onto the ground, causing him to scatter his books everywhere. Stan offered a mittened hand "Kyle, are you okay?" Kyle nodded, slightly dazed and grabbed Stan's hand. "Here... I'll help you pick up your books." Together, they got almost all of the books off of the ground except for Kyle's personal diary which he reached for. But before he could grab it, a fat gloved hand snatched it up. Kyle froze, hand midair. He slowly looked up, seeing the nastiest grin on Cartman's face he'd ever seen. Stan had turned around to see this happen and now he stepped forward "Hey Cartman that's his. Give it up."  He said with a thinly veiled threat. Stan stretched out his hand expectantly. Kyle stood up and brushed the snow off him, his green eyes widened in shock. Cartman threw it into the snow beside them with a growl and stormed into the school. Kyle quickly picked it up and stuffed it into his bag. "Thanks for getting it back..." Stan shrugged nonchalantly "It's not his, so he shouldn't have taken it. What is it anyway?" Kyle was quiet for a moment before he answered "My...Diary. It has a lot of boring personal stuff mainly. Nothing anyone would want to read really." Stan sighed "Well, anyone except Cartman. I mean, let's be real dude; He'd kill to get ahold of it. Why don't you just leave it at home?" Kyle winced "Because I like having it nearby the second I feel I wanna write something in it. It's something that my anger management therapist said would help." He muttered, almost under his breath. The school bell rang and both boys walked into it without saying another word to each other, much to Kyle's relief. 

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