Chapter 6

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Cartman looked up from his phone, his eyes wide with fear. He backed up, but Craig shoved him from out behind the slide, into the snow. Then, he grabbed him by the collar of his shirt preparing to punch him but Stan stopped him "I wanna do this." he said coldly, glaring at Eric. Craig gave a small nod of respectful acknowledgment and stepped back leaving a cowering Cartman sitting in the snow. Stan stepped up to him while Tweek comforted Kyle. "Stan... Please... Don't hurt me..." Stan scoffed "After all you've done to hurt Kyle a-and Kenny?" He stammered with rage "No way Fatass." Stan balled his hands and punched Cartman square in the nose. Blood spurted out, staining the snow between them. Cartman began to bawl "Pathetic little crybaby." Craig kicked Cartman while he was down, causing him to cough up more blood. Kyle smiled a little as Stan neared him. "Thanks Stan..." Tweek stepped back towards Craig who put an arm around his shoulder. Tweek then whispered something into his ear and Craig's eyes sparkled with interest and he nodded. "You didn't have to do that dude..." Stan shrugged  "I know I didn't...I was fed up with him hurting you." "Well... Thanks." Craig swiftly swung his leg under Stan's and Tweek did the same to Kyle, forcing them to fall forward onto each other awkwardly. Both boys blushed heavily, backing up quickly; Stan felt his stomach heave so he turned quickly away. A heartbeat later, vomit splatted the snow. "Dude! Gross!" Kyle said as he burst out laughing. Stan wiped his mouth and joined in, standing up normally. Wendy saw the whole thing but didn't say anything; She had known the whole time.

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