Contract (Part 2)

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 Folding up the last of her clothing into the suitcase, Zay pulls over the top, and zips it closed. Her bus transport ticket resting on her pillow, her whole room bare and almost empty. There's a timid knock on the door, and Zay lets out a tiny, aggravated sigh, not glancing back.

"Come in."

There's a pause before she hears the door open, but doesnt look back, already knowing who it is. She instead leans over her bed, grabbing her satchel and beginning to fill it up with her sketchbook and other smaller things like her charger and wallet.

"Jani.. you don't have to leave."

Zay felt herself cringe, but she continued to focus on her bag.

"You neglected me. So I'm just going to take care of myself."

She closed her bag, hearing the soft click as the magnets connected, and placed it next to her suitcase. Taking a small breath, she turned around, facing her guardian. He looked withered, his clothes wrinkled and loose. He had his hands clasped together, and was looking around the room with sunken, defeated eyes. Zay glanced back to her bed.

"You took on more than you could chew. Consider this a relief, one less mouth to feed, one less kid to yell at."

She heard a dry sigh, and turned her attention back to her guardian, frowning.

"You have no reason to be upset. You said it yourself, it's a burden having me."
She watched his expression carefully, and saw him nod.

"Yes.. I did."

He looked up to her, and they both held their gaze for a few seconds. A small part of Zay felt a pang of guilt, but she ignored it.

"I.. I wanted to give you something before you go.."

Zay felt herself raise an eyebrow, feeling herself get cautious.

"I don't want-"

Her guardian walks past her, and placed something on her bed before turning away.

"I.. I will work harder on being a better parent."

Zay could only nod, the stab of guilt in her gut growing larger.

"I hope you will."

She muttered, and watched him hesitate before finally walking out, closing the door. Zay took in a deep breath, and felt herself shake as she gripped her fists tightly. She took a quick glance at her bed, and saw a small little white drawstring bag. Forcing herself to relax, she sat down on the edge of her bed and picked it up, pressing her fingers around it. Inside, felt like a hard object, small and tiny. She let herself fall into the grasps of curiosity, and pulled open the bag, tipping it upside down on her palm, watching a heavy, small bracelet fall out. The silver chain glinted in the early morning sun pouring through her window, and she placed the bag beside her, turning her full attention to the bracelet. It was simple, a thin chain with a small charm on it, a four leaf clover with a little clear gemstone in the middle. She felt tears sting her eyes, a small part of her relieved, content. She turned over the bracelet over and over in her palm, watching it wink at her.


She whispered, feeling a tear betray her as it glided down her cheek effortlessly. Quickly wiping it away, Zay grabbed the little white bag and dropped the piece of jewelry back in, pulling the strings tight as she slipped it into her satchel. Looking over all her things on her bed, she let out a tense sigh she didn't know she was holding. She sat there for a while in silence, before a familiar voice seemed to fill her head.

You seem upset to leave.. did you not want this?

Zay rubbed her eyes and let her face fall blank, Allyahs words swirling around in her mind.

"No.. Im fine. I want this."

Gripping her hands tightly, she looked down.

"Im ready."


..and everywhere around us right now is just teeming with unused energy you humans just throw away.

Zay fumbled a little with her key, her suitcase standing beside her. She felt ready to pass out, the train ride here had tuckered her out completely, and listening to Allyah explain what she is and where she came from wasn't exactly pleasant.

"Come on-"

She mumbled, and finally the key turned. She heard a click, and was able to push the door open, groaning softly.


Tugging her suitcase in, she walked through the door, closing it behind her as she twisted the lock and flicked on the lights. Blinking a little while her eyesight adjusted, she looked around, feeling a small smile spread across her face.

Don't get emotional now-

Zay scoffed a little and rolled her eyes.

"I think Im allowed to be emotional. I mean.. look at me. I'm finally free."
Her eyes flitted across the small house, a small kitchen on the left side with an island, and on the right a couch facing a TV. It all seemed too good to be true..

"How did you-"

Do all this? I'm a godly being in sense. I can make something as small as this happen.

Zay frowned a little before looking down. That didn't really answer her question, but it didn't matter. She hobbled to the couch, and crawled onto it, burying her face into the pillow.

This won't last long though. You need to start earning your own stable income. And tomorrow I would like to discuss more into detail on our contract.

Zay nodded hazily, her eyes heavy.

"I know.. tomorrow.. got it.."

She mumbled softly before feeling herself drift off into sleep.


Pft,, this is a little short but thats only because the next chapter i upload is gonna be lengthy

anyways ay im not dead-

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