Contract (Part 3)

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Zay felt her body weight drop quickly, and she jolted, falling off the couch with a heavy thud. She felt her eyes fly open, coughing a little, she pushed herself up, moaning.


She rubbed her side a little, standing up and plopping back on the couch.

Finally you're awake. You sleep like a rock, it's quite annoying. I will help you get into a better sleeping schedule.

Groaning, Zay rubbed her temples, leaning forward and while her elbows rested on her knees.

"It's too early for this Allyah.."

She grumbled softly, and flopped to her side, closing her eyes.

Oh no you dont, get up!

Zay felt herself lurch up again, unwillingly, and a wave of nausea poured over her, causing her to gag.

"What the hell?!"

She stumbled up, shaking her hands a little.

"You don't need to do that jesus Allyah.."

Then listen to me when I say you should get up. We have a lot to do today, and I would appreciate it if you didn't waste our time.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Zay looked back, her gaze falling on her suitcase and satchel, which had been tossed to the floor before she passed out on the couch. Walking over the the bags and rubbing her eyes, she glanced off to the side, looking down a small hallway. Three doors, two on either side of the hallway, and one at the far end. Picking up her suitcase with a tense grunt, and pulled and clicked up the handle, allowing her to roll it more comfortably, as she slung her satchel over her shoulder, and headed down the hallway.

Door to your right.

Zay glanced to the side and opened the door, pushing it and looking around. There was a wooden desk off to the side, with a chair tucked in, and right next to that a small bed. A light blue rug lay underneath it, and its bedsheets were fluffy and white. There was a closet off to the side, and near the door was three hooks on the wall for clothes or anything really. She walked in, taking in the room, smiling to herself.

"I like the theme, white and blue."

Yes, lovely, now hurry it up and upack.

Zay frowned, and sighed, shrugging her shoulders a little before tugging her suitcase in the room, tossing it on the bed with a soft 'thunk' and unzipping it. She began pulling out her clothes, one by one placing them in drawers or hanging them in the closet. All the while, Allyah was continuing her chat from yesterday, explaining to Zay what she was and what the contract was.

As you know, I am.. well what you human creatures call, a 'demon'. But that's not exactly true. I don't come from heaven, but neither do I come from hell. There are 7 steps of Judgment a soul goes through after passing. Between the 6th and 7th step is where my kind thrive and work, Neaviah.

Zay nodded a little, hanging a sweater up on the rack before turning to grab another one from the suitcase.

We look at all the souls that pass through, every single one, and determine their good and bad deeds. For a creature as feeble minded as you, the process would seem outrageously complicated, sifting through souls for eternity and such.

Frowning slight, Zay paused, looking up.

"'Feeble minded?' Well this 'feeble minded' creature is your host, didn't you say you can't live out of Neaviah without a viable, living organism?"

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