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Gripping her coffee cup tightly, Zay focused on the heat that throbbed into her palms and fingertips, training her eyes down. Allyahs snide giggles and laughter came in on and off, wrapping around her head.

My, Ive never seen you act this way to anyone before! Oh this is such a scene indeed!~

Frowning, Zay gritted her teeth, closing her eyes. She couldnt bring herself to look over again to where Will sat. She just needed to get out of here. The knot in her stomach had grown tight, and she finally nudged her half full cup away from her, pulling out her debit card.

What are you doing?

Zay felt her frown raise, her eyebrows arching up as she shrugged.

"Getting the hell out of here."

A frustrated hiss erupted from Allyah. Zay smiled a little, and raised her hand a little, glancing a bit to the side to wave down the waitress. After a few seconds, the lady from before came around again, and flashed her a chipper smile.

"Everything alright dear?"

Zay looked away, still not able to make eye contact with her, and nodded, pointing to her muffin.

"Could you bag that? And I'm done-"

She could hear a pause, assuming the lady was glancing at her food, and heard some rustling before she finally spoke.

"Of course! Why don't I transfer your drink into another cup to take with you then?"

Zay blinked, and looked up.

"O-Oh if it's not too much troub-"

A little bubble of laughter slipped out of the lady, startling Zay. She tensed up a little, watching the lady before she composed herself.

"But of course! It isn't any trouble hon, you're too sweet."

Zay felt heat, burning and stinging, rush up to her cheeks. Tearing her gaze away from the lady, she hid her face, her head swimming as her anxiety flew through the roof. The need to leave the cafe was ever so strong now, and Zay felt herself fidget in her seat a little, wanting to just stand up and get some fresh air.

"Im sorry dear, of course! Let me take these and Ill come back once I have everything ready! Want to pay now too?"

Nodding, Zay quickly held out her debit, and felt the lady take the card. As she watched the waitresses shadow drift away, Zay groaned, cupping her face in her hands.

"I can never show my face here again..."

Mm, you'll be back, trust me.

Sighing heavily, she sat up, straightening herself as she grabbed her satchel, swinging it back around her shoulder. Clasping her hands together, she sat there awkwardly for a few minutes before the waitress eventually came back around to her table, setting down the portable coffee cup, and a little wax bag with the cafes logo stamped on it. She slid back Zays debit card and two receipts, allowing her to sign her name on the first copy to verify her transaction, and she pocketed the other one, putting the muffin in her bag as well as she stood up.

"T-Thank you again."

She added quickly, grabbing her coffee and quickly bustling herself out of the cafe. She let out a relieved sigh as she took a look around, before heading down the block. She gripped her coffee cup, and frowned.

"Don't meddle in shit that doesn't involve you okay?"

She hissed quietly under her breath, turning sharply as she crossed the street and headed to the park. She walked off the gravel path and up a grassy slope as she listened to Allyah.

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