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A fire lit, that day, in his chest 

A fire that could burn out all the stars,

The sparks of which were seen on his scars.

He stood up, that day, and faced them all

He stood tired and steady,

To watch those convicted of guilt fall to their knees.

He understood, that day, that humanity was cruel

He understood they were indifferent towards the painful cries,

And walked over those who had the patience to be nice.

He realized, that day, that kindness was nothing but an imaginative word

He realized, as he tore down the hallways

That people didn't love, all they could do was betray.

He was consumed, that day, by those hot flames living inside of him

He was consumed, by the fire kindled by humanity's lies

And that was when, Lucifer the fallen angel, hardened to ice.

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