streak of vermilion red

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The first time that I painted that streak of vermilion red,
I was proud of what the mark that lay atop my forehead represented.

But maybe our understanding of that was not the same,
Maybe I really am the one to blame

For it's been two years and now my skin is adorned with scars,
One for each time your frustration decided I was the root of it all.

My body was the blank canvas I willingly presented to you,
But you only knew how to paint in black and blue.

And I don't know how long I can bear the sight of my own flesh.
I don't know how long it will be before you give this pain a rest.

When did I start seeing myself as this piece of filth?
When I did I start thinking love, happiness, life was a myth?

I'd become too tired of waiting for someone to get me out of this mess,
So I decided I'd do it all by myself.

My last thoughts are simply of how I find all this funny–
How the last time I was ever truly happy,
I painted that streak of vermilion red
And now, that I'm finally content,
I have once more painted streaks of red

Only this time, they adorn my wrists instead.


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