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After a few weeks of pretty intense activity, we finally got a break. Our debut went amazing, we hit loona tv 400 and it felt like a dream come true. I had been waiting for 2years for the day that I could step on stage and perform as Loona and it was pretty amazing. Even though it felt like I had been served an incredible ice cream, I felt the cherry on top was missing, and no I'm not talking bout Yerin(choerry).

It was the weekend before Chuseok and many of our members were packing to go back and spend a few days with family. My family didn't really celebrate Chuseok, however and I stayed behind with Jinsoul Unnie, whose parents had decided to spend this time in Jeju alone, and Gowon, who just wanted to stay back. I was a little disappointed that Gowon stayed as u had been planning to make a move on Jinsoul but I'd better be more cautious now.

We spent the first day mostly just lazing around, catching up on dramas, movies and whatever. It was quite coincidental that we stayed in separate rooms so everyone had a lot of privacy to do whatever they wanted. I decided to spend this time searching up cute ways to confess, which I admit is pretty cringeworthy but, what's a girl gonna do when she needs to find a non cliche way of confessing. Shortly after I started my internet rummage, Jinsoul burst into my room, "Hey I'm going to buy dinner. Anything you want?"

I was in a vulnerable position and immediately slammed my computer shut, hoping she didn't see what was on my screen. "Sure. Anything's fine."

I was obviously caught acting fishy which got her questioning. "Why'd you slam your computer shut? Were you watching something you weren't supposed to? Oh my god were you watching porn?!?" I quickly tried denying but she wanted me to prove my innocence, something that in my opinion wasn't worth doing.

"I can't believe I just walked in on you watching porn hahahaha. This is amazing. I'm going to tell the other members about this when they get back." She dashed out of my room and into Gowon's, and I heard a faint exclamation from her, "Heejin was watching porn hahaha."

This was of course a little embarrassing for me but I wasn't about to let a false rumour let her find out my feelings for her. Gowon started laughing too and shouted across the corridor, "Heejin ah, be more careful next time haha." At this pint I was blushing a bit but I just brushed it off.

"Whatever. I know I wasn't watching porn. Anyways I decided I want fish and chips for dinner. Thanks unnie." I was honestly just rushing to get Jinsoul out of the house so I could get back to more research.

"Ok! I'll get going now. Don't do anything naughty now." I rolled my eyes at her sarcasm but at the same time found myself lost in her beautiful smile. Oh my god her eyes sent chills down my spine.

Not long after she left, she returned, with bags of food. I was shocked by how much she had bought and exclaimed, "Are you buying dinner for a few girls or an entire zoo? What the heck man!"

"Relax. Most of this is for when the other members get back. It's actually not that much." Jinsoul replied while panting from lifting those heavy bags of snacks and food. Me and Gowon quickly offered up our help and together got all the food into the kitchen.

"You know what we should do? Let's play some games later." I suggested this with some ideas in mind.

"Sure! What games we thinking?" Jinsoul replied enthusiastically.

"Anyone got board games?" Gowon asked. We all didn't so shook our heads and moved on to the next suggestion.

"How bout...truth or dare?" I asked, faking sounding unsure, although I was certain from the start that that was the game I wanted to play.

"Yes! Oh my god we should add a twist to it. Since we've got chilis, let's make it such that you either answer, do the dare or eat a bit of Chili." Gowon excitedly added. We looked a little unsure and fearful but Gowon was so enthusiastic about the idea that we just had to go along with it. This was about to get interesting.

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