Truth or Dare

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"Truth or dare?" We decided to play the spin the bottle iteration of the game to make deciding whose turn it was easier.

"Truth." The bottle landed on Jinsoul on this first turn and most of the turns were just going to be us saying truth because we were too lazy to do any dare that might come up.

"Whose your celebrity crush?" Jinsoul asked in a hurry. Looking at that day from a narrative standpoint honestly is super cringe but at that time, we were just having fun.

"Currently... maybe Yook Sungjae sunbae?"

"Ooh! Haha." we made weird noises, the type kids made when they someone said they had a crush on someone else. Immature? Maybe, but it created an environment that made the game fun.

"Ok next." Jinsoul spin the bottle and it landed on me. "What were you searching on your computer just now hmm?" Jinsoul looked at me as a cheeky grin etched across her face.

"Oh damn I would love to know." Gowon chimed in, herself having a curious expression as they waited in anticipation for my response.

"To be honest, it wasn't porn. I swear. It was actually just tips on flirting and how to confess ok? Nothing much." I tried to act nonchalantly about the whole thing but my face turning red was a dead giveaway I wasn't as calm as I tried to make myself seem.

"And why were you searching for that?" Jinsoul asked, this time genuinely curious. I was blushing pretty hard at this point but managed to give an answer to save me for the moment.

"That would be your second question. Next." I hurriedly tried to spin the bottle.

"Aww... I really wanted to know why." Gowon said slightly disappointed.

"It's fine. You guys can ask that next turn. Anyways, next is...Gowon." At this point u really wasn't super focused on the game, rather thinking bout ways I can get myself out of this sticky mess. This was meant for me to have a chance to see if Jinsoul maybe was interested in me or if she even was slightly gay but it just turned into a nightmare interrogation for me which might lead to me being exposed.

"Hmm...I'm feeling dauntless. Dare."

Although this could have been a juncture for me to ask Gowon to do some things I've wanted to see her do, I was too wrapped up about my turn returning to really pay much attention to the situation.

"I dare you to tell the other members that you're no longer a virgin, and could even be pregnant." I thought Jinsoul's dare was a little intense so I was surprised when Gowon a greed without hesitation.

"Sure. But when can I tell them the truth?"

"2 weeks, after they've started trying ways to remedy your situation and are worried sick about your career."

"Ok then. I'll text them now. —And done, sent. I'll tell you when they respond." Gowon then spun the bottle and unfortunately, it landed back on me.

I really didn't want to choose truth. I mean sure I could lie but then they could too which just ruins the integrity and point of the game. But I also didn't want to choose dare because who knows what these demented minds could come up with.


"So why were you looking for ways to flirt and confess?" It was obvious the question was coming. I was at a bit of a crossroad; on one hand I'm fearful of the judgement I may face if. I straight up reveal the truth, on the other hand I kind of want to let it out so I don't feel so crushed by such a burden.

"Because..." I thought about it for an extra second before answering. "Because... there's a girl I like who I want to like me back." Ok fine. It wasn't a big reveal but I guess I still put out there the fact that I wasn't straight. I mean we're in Korea. These things are honestly still quite unacceptable in society.

"Oh damn you go girl. Who is she though?" Jinsoul was Super low key about the fact that I was gay which was pretty cool.

"Yeah who is she? I bet she's gorgeous." Gowon added to Jinsoul's thoughts. I declined answering, which got them even more curious but before they could dig further, I said I was tired and went to bed.

I want you(jinsoul)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin