A New Me

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                                                                                        Diary POV

       Dear Diary, Ok, so I regret saying "yeah fine mom i'll make a friend" because now my mom is like... "EEEEEEEEEE you should totally be friends' with my friends' kids!" So now i'm in the car with my mom and sister's going to her "friends" house. I'm  not exactly sad, but not as happy as I could've been.

                                                                                   Drifts POV

       I was watching vines on my phone in the car, "It is Wednesday my dudes, AAA" "SCREEEEECH" Mom slammed on the breaks! My Wednesday dude guys noise drifted away... (No pun intended!)"WERE GONNA DIEEEEEE!" Screamed Lillie. "No were not!" Britey argued. "Mom is just being a stupid driver." "I'm about to kick you out" said mom. I laughed out loud.

                                                                         Moms friends house Same POV

       "Sun Strider!" I suddenly turned in surprise. We always called my mom... well mom (Britey calls her Sunny though) I haven't heard her full name since dad... "Brooke!" Exclaimed mom. Brooke invited us inside and introduced me and my sisters to her kids. There was Matt he was 6 years old, just the right age to hang out with Lillie. Katy at 12 just 2 years older than Isabelle. And then Snorkel OPS at 14 and Rust Lord at 15. This was my time to introduce myself. My time to make a friend. "Hi i'm Snorkel OPS! This is my brother Rusty!" Wait, she introduced herself before me?! "I'm uh... Drift..." Cat got you're tongue?" Asked Rusty. "No! I mean just nervous..." I kicked at the floor, stupid! Snorkel OPS laughed. Her laugh was pretty, no doubt about it. "Let's hang out upstairs" said Snorkel, "Sure" I said happily. I learned how to play Monopoly that day, it was fun. (Even though I lost) Rusty and Snorkel both gave me their numbers when I had to go. I was beginning to develop a crush for Snorkel, not just her looks but her personality... ANYWHO I was excited to go home and talk to them on the group chat!

           Snorkel OPS POV (There will be other POV'S just mainly focusing on Drift)

       Drift was nice and friendly, but he didn't know how to play Monopoly, like come on bro! But otherwise I was excited for tomorrow, to show him my friends, Raven, Zoey, and Tricera OPS. Tomorrow was going to be great! I could tell. But something weird happened that night. I couldn't stop thinking about tomorrow, and not just hanging out, but mainly Drift... Did I like this boy? No that was NEVER going to be that case. Well maybe just a little... and with that I fell asleep.

                                                                                     Drifts' Diary POV

Dear Diary, so far my life isn't absolutely terrible... In fact it's going AMAZING! I have a crush on a girl, and I made a new friend! (Well I guess my crush counts as a friend too.) They told me they would introduce me to their other friends... I'm so exited i'm probably going to die!! (Hopefully that's not the case, I wanna meet their friends!) Anyways it's late and I should get to bed i'll write about how it went tomorrow... Good Night!

                                                                                Drift POV (Morning)

Last night I thought about Tilted... I kept expecting to hear screaming, police sirens, or something crazy and loud. But I only heard the hooooing of Owl's or an occasional yawn from Britey (Who may I mention always stays up until 4:00 in the morning!) I called up Rusty at 7:42 whom answered with "Sup" after talking to him for half an hour I called Snorkel who answered with, "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" It was possibly the longest noise I have ever heard... Snorkel was WAY more positive during the conversation. And talked to her for an hour and a half! We decided to meet up at the local drug store tommorow.

                                                                         Next day

 I put on a t-shirt and hoodie. And walked to the store. "Hi Drift!" I turned my head slightly to the left to see Snorkel OPS. "Hey Snorkel!" I got hugged and high fived, then sat down. I was introduced to, Zoey, Raven, and Tricera Ops. I felt like I didn't miss Tilted anymore, I even forgot I lived there for a second. I felt special, glad, and cheerful. I didn't miss my old friend Raptor or Wingman. I was glad to be here. With new friends, a new crush. A new me.

Sorry this chapter was so long! I just wanted to keep writing so much! 

Tune in for chapter 3 tomorrow!...

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