Pick A Side Pick A Life.

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                                                                                   Drift POV

  "Wait John!" I shouted. He slammed on the breaks. "What is it kid!?" 

"I don't think I can go..."

"Why? What do you mean?"

"I have friends, a family! A life back in Salty Springs!"

       "Oh..."  He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well then, you can either stay, and help fight evil, or I can drive you back to Salty Springs." I thought of Snorkel Ops, and Rusty and everyone else back in Salty Springs... I looked outside the window. This was literally my childhood dream. I heavily sighed 

"I think I wanna go back to the base with you Mr. Wick."

                                                                                        Snorkel Ops POV

       "So your telling me that you haven't found Drift yet!?" I yelled out in anger. "Are you kidding me?!" Rusty looked away. "I'm sorry... It's just i'm worried about Drift, he could be in danger..." 

       "Oh bae is in danger! What ever shall I do?!" Zoey mimicked. "What?! I don't like Drift!" I shouted. "Ah shut up Snorkel. We all know you like him! I saw you kiss him on the cheek!" "And I read your diary!" Rusty said in between laughs.



       "Fine... I might like Drift a little..." I confessed. "A little?" Tricera asked. "Fine! I like Drift alot, in fact I get jealous when I see him hanging out with other girls from school!" Everyone smiled. Raven gave me a noogie. "Alright then!" Raven stood up. "We need to find Drift!"

Tune in for the next chapter!... 

Sorry these chapters are so short! I'll try to make one over 700 words next time.

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