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                                                                                       Drift POV

I went inside the Dusty Diner to sit down for a while and think. A waiter came up to me 

"Hi, would you like something to drink?"

      "No thank you, I would just like to sit please."

I replied with, she looked confused but nodded and said, "okay, well if you do need anything i'll be here." I would've bought something, but I had no money, not even my backpack. I looked up wondering if I could maybe get a map somewhere, and get home. It was 10:14 when the manager told me to leave as they were closing. I walked outside and smelled the fresh air. It was misty and sprinkling a little bit. I heard this was where the local teenagers hung out at this time. I decided it was probably best to leave as I didn't want any trouble.




       My instincts told me to ignore whatever that sound was, but my brain told me there was something wrong. I decided to listen to my brain. I turned around and unsurprisingly there were a group of teenagers. They were crowded around something, but I couldn't tell what.


     I suddenly realized there was an animal in there... A dog. There was something wrong, those kids were doing something bad to that dog. I started to walk over there. Then I got faster, I got faster until it became a run, and then a sprint. I pushed 2 or 3 teens out of the way to see one teen that looked about 14. A dog lye on the floor next to him It was bleeding. The boy kicked the dog a little laughing. It looked like a Beagle mixed between a Corgi. He was tan and he had a very beautiful pattern. Before I knew it I had yelled out "LEAVE IT ALONE!" Everyone's eyes were suddenly on me, but for some reason I wasn't afraid. I picked up the dog and scolded the teen. I was older than him yet he was still the same age as Snorkel and I couldn't control him. 

"Yeah and why should I pretty boy?"    

       I felt my face go red. I didn't know why, but this insult hit me hard. REALLY. HARD.         "Obvious reasons! First you're abusing an animal and causing and disabling the creature which is a crucial and violent injustice. Second your disrespecting ME, whoever else owns or has owned this dog! And anybody who cares about animals. Third! your underage to be drinking I said pointing to a bottle of Bud Light next to a girl with black hair who looked to be about 15. The boy shoved me. "You're outnumbered! Plus that's my stupid dog!" "And you all have an IQ of no more than 7!" I Argued. I suddenly felt my fist clench. This was going to be a fist fight. I punched him. I physically hurt a child who was under my age. No. Shame. The kid jumped on me as if he were about to strangle me, (Which not to mention he WAS about to strangle me.) I dropped the Corgi mix and grabbed the kids wrist. I bent it back, AS. MUCH. AS. I. COULD. 


      I had broken his wrist "GAAAAAAA" he yelped out in pain. He then sighed and said "Fine, you win. Take the retarded mutt!" He laughed, "I don't need it! I was planning to hang it anyways, there goes my fun." I turned around. "Do you want me to break your other wrist?" The boy looked down in shame.


        "Then SHUT UP before I do!"    


                                    "And apologize to me and the "retarded mutt".

       The boy looked down in shame again. I could tell his face was red. "I'm sorry." He whimpered pitifully yet clearly ticked off. "Apology accepted." The boy looked up seeming surprised. He chuckled. "I honestly thought you were going to break my legs too." I smiled. "Don't get yourselves into too much trouble." I picked up the dog and walked away. I ended up near Loot Lake. I walked through the water as it was fairly shallow I went swimming there with Raptor once. I smiled, Raptor a true friend. I wasn't that far from Tilted I could probably visit him. I took a good look at the dog once I got to the island with the house. (Lets just pretend the season 6 map didn't change lol.) I took off a bandanna that my dad gave me when I was little. Before he changed of course. Dad used to be an actual respectable human being. He's probably living in an alley by Retail Row. I tied the bandanna around the dogs neck. I'll name you Bonesy. Bonesy look at me. He was in alot of pain currently. I gently scratched behind his ears. We never got a dog because Isabelle was allergic to them. this was basically my dream! I checked my watch. It was 12:52. I looked up and saw the stars one shot across the sky. I made a wish. "I wish Snorkel, Rusty, Raven, Zoey and Tricera are okay, and that Bonesy will heal soon." I said aloud hoping someone up there might hear me.

                                                                            Snorkel Ops POV

        I looked around. Twas late yet beautiful. I never seen Tilted before, all I knew was that it was dangerous at night. I decided to rest in an abandon shed for the night. Wasn't comfortable, but at least it was safe. (At least, almost safe. Tomorrow I would return to Salty Springs and life would be normal again. (This will surely be a story to tell me kids...) Hopefully nobody else is in the situation that i'm in currently. 

                                                                                 Back To Drifts POV     

      The house on top of Loot Lake Island was fairly popular. It was a place that a woman named SteelSight owned. She was blind in one eye and had some steel in it from war. She was very nice. She let strangers live in different rooms of her home. She also made her lake Public so anybody can go swimming in it. I knocked on the door. SteelSight always stayed up late so I knew she would answer. 

"Hi Drift!"  

"Hi SteelSight... i'm kinda in a pickle I guess you could say, but anyways could I stay here for the night?"

"Of course Drift! Where's your mother Sunstrider?"  

"That's kinda the problem, I got lost and I just need to aid this dog and a place to sleep."

"Right, you can rest in the attic, it's spooky at first, but it really IS comfy! I'll take care of your dog for you too Drift. COUGH I WAS a nurse back in the day."

"Thanks SteelSight."

"What's his name?


"I'll take good care of him."

"Thank you again SteelSight."

       I went upstairs and pulled the rope to the attic the stairs dropped down. I climbed the steps and watched TV for and hour or so and then fell asleep. I dreamed about Bonesy yet suddenly my dream was ruined by that boy who I faced in Dusty Diner. In my dream I stood up to him though. I felt like my insides were LOADED with butterflies though and ended up falling of Earth in the end. DON'T ask me how. Dreams are weird. In the morning I picked up Bonesy who now has a small cast on his right back leg and some stitches on his hip. And with that I decided to start my adventure. I felt like I could wander forever... That time would never drift away.  

WOAH! This chapter was HUGE! But Anywho...

Tune in for chapter 2 soon!...                                                             

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