"This Is Not A Drill"

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       It was now Sunday night and I survived a whole week just to be shoved into another. I sighed and closed my diary rereading it for nostalgia. It had been a long time since I had written in my diary. I guess I felt too mature for it now. 



       I heard the doorbell ring then the door open. "Hi guys!" I heard my mom say in a cheerful voice. "You can take a seat, lemme call Drift over... DRIFT! The Wesley's are over! I ran to peek over the edge of the staircase. "Raptor!" I called out and ran downstairs to meet my old friend from Tilted Towers. I hugged him and grinned in the most obnoxious way I could. Raptor did the same. "What's Raptor and Wing Man doing over?" I asked my mom. Wing Man was Raptors older brother and Briteys "secret crush". "Drift, the Wesley's are over for game night!... Monopoly!" Raptor chuckled and said, "your gonna have to teach me your secret to winning." I smiled and laughed along with him. We played Monopoly and mom ended up winning. We hung out for a couple more hours, Raptor told me what was happening lately in Tilted, and I told raptor about Snorkel, Rusty, Tricera, Zoey, and Raven, ect. I told him to call me once he got home to make sure he didn't die. He laughed and so had I. When it was time for him to go back I was upset but waved goodbye without shedding a tear. (My eyes did water, but that doesn't count!) 

The next day at school we went into a lockdown. Me and the rest of period 2 class suspected that it was a drill. So we, put paper over the window, turned off the lights, shut up, and sat in the back of the class. About 5 minutes in the teacher passed around a note. I was the last to get it and when I saw it my jaw dropped. The note plainly said "This is not a drill, we have someone dangerous on campus." Now i'm grabbing my knees huddled up and shivering like a 5 year old. 


       The. Window. Had. Been. Broken. I heard a gun cock and started to pray to Jesus. Next thing I knew I was outside campus climbing the gate to escape...

                                                                          Snorkel Ops POV

       Once the window had been broken, my body stopped. I was paralyzed with fear. I eventually overcame it and ran for my life. I never ran that fast in my life, My heart was beating faster than  a plasma blob moving away from a blazar's core (right) over about 8.4 months, (or what else is super fast I guess...) Outside at last. I was still running with my 900,000,000,000 (Nine hundred billion) mph heart. I climbed and jumped the fence and continued running....

                                                                           Drift POV

       I ran a LONG way. In fact, I think I ran to Dusty Depot. I sighed, then realized, "I don't have a map... I'M LOST!"...

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