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I slowly opened my eyes and instantly my head was banging. I was staring at the ceiling yet this wasn't my bedroom ceiling?
"What the fuck" I whispered to myself. I turned my head to find Jordan led down in bed, with his back to me. I peaked under the covers to find myself naked! What the fuck? Since when? Now I was panicking. All the events from last night replayed in my head. I slept with Jordan. Oh no. Well I mean oh yes. But oh no. I didn't expect it to be like this? I was drunk and so was he.

I smacked Jordan which caused him to jump.
"What the fuck was that for?" He groaned as he sat up rubbing his eyes.
"Did we use protection?" I hissed, although you could hear the panic in my voice.
"What? What do you mean?" Jordan mumbled still half a sleep.
"We had sex last night" I replied nudging him.
"We did? Oh yeah. Damn you pretty fine in bed" he laughed licking his lips.

"Jordan this ain't time for laughing. Did we use protection? I don't want to find out I'm pregnant soon"

"Yes we did. As if I'd be stupid enough to not" Jordan smiled.

"Yet you were good last night. Jesus you had me out of breath. Didn't know whether I could last the 5th round" he smirked.

"5 rounds? are you kidding me?" I laughed.

"Nope. You're wild" he laughed putting his arm round me. That's when I noticed more cuts on his wrists.
"Jordan what the hell?" I pointed at his wrist.
"What?" He asked.
"You know I don't like you doing this to yourself" I sighed.
"And you know I don't like you starving yourself Ree" Jordan said poking me on the nose.
I swear I can never win anything. I'm confused as to what me and Jordan are. We aren't together yet we slept together.
I really like him but what if this ruins everything. Us. The friendship. I don't know.


"So what did you think of my party?" Missy asked.
Oh you know apart from nearly getting raped it was great. "Oh it was good. Me and Jordan had fun"

"Swear Jordan wasn't there?" Missy said turning her head smiling at nas. What was this about?
"He came quite later on in night and then we went back to his" I spoke up.
"Fucking called it!" Missy high fives nas and they both giggle like little children.

"So..." they both said at the same time.
"So what?" I shrugged.

my eyes darted onto Jordan's as he walked through the canteen. My face felt like it had gone tomato red and my legs were wobbling like jelly.

"How was he in bed? Tell us the gossip babes" Missy winked.
"Really good. Like really really really fucking good" I whispered smiling.

"He's coming over now oh my god I can't" Missy squealed.
My heart was about to explode. After the weekends events I felt too nervous to speak to him. He sat beside me, pulled me close and placed his lips against mine. Yes in front of the whole canteen. Everyone began to make noises. I pulled away needing to breathe, he is so toxic. Way too toxic for me.
"Wait for me after school baby" Jordan smirked, getting up he headed for the canteen doors. Everyone literally watched him leave and so did I. Nas and Missy's mouths were wide open in shock.

"How does he do that?" Nas asked in disbelief.
"Do what?" I asked completely confused.
"I may be a lesbian but fucking hell that was hot" she laughed.


I waited in the pouring rain for Jordan. "Rhea can I have a word?" Miss Carter shouted. I turned around and headed towards her. Everyone had pretty much gone home now so the school was quiet.
"How is Jordan getting on?" She asked me smiling.
I gave back a puzzled look. What does she mean? "Uhh yes why?" I asked.
"It's just with all what happened with his dad. I'm glad he's found a good friend like you" Miss Carter replied. Her blonde hair was now damp from the rain yet she never failed to look pretty.

Before I could reply, Jordan came running over very very quickly.
"What you guys talking about?" He asked, you could hear his voice laced with panic.
"Oh nothing" I smiled as I looked up at Miss Carter she smiled back and went back into the school.

Now my nerves had came back. I decided I need to bring this up. I didn't know a thing.
"What happened with your dad?" I gulped.
Jordan's eyes filled with sadness and he coughed "Nothing"
I didn't know whether to push him or just leave it. But obviously something happened because why would Miss Carter mention that for no reason?
The rain pattered down even harder and I was frozen. Jordan held my hand which instantly sent sparks through my body.
"Are you sure it was nothing?" I asked.
Jordan nodded. I decided to let it slip I mean if he doesn't want to talk about it then that's fine.

"Where are we going?" I asked as Jordan dragged me through the street. My hair was now soaked completely and so was my school uniform. Jordan was drenched too.
"Let's get some snacks" Jordan said as he took me to the crisps section.
I nodded. Jordan unzipped his red school bag and shoved crisps and chocolate into his bag. My stomach dropped.
"What the fuck are you doing!?" I frowned.

"Uhh getting snacks?" He whispered.

"We can't just steal this. I'll pay" I insisted as I grabbed Jordan's bag.

Jordan quickly pushed me into the shop wall. My breathing was heavy and the butterflies were back. His lips inches away from mine. Oh god i was craving him? I can't believe I'm actually thinking this. I want Jordan Wilson.

Jordan placed his warm soft finger against my lips and whispered "shhh but I'm a bad boy"
My heart was now beating so fast. "And do you know what bad boys do?" He raised his eyebrow.
"What?" I replied as I let out a deep breath.
"They break the rules" he smirked.
And that's when he grabbed my hand, zipped his bag up and we ran. "Come on" Jordan muttered as we finally made it out the doors. My body was now pumping with adrenaline. I couldn't even think about anything else right now.

"Stop them!" A woman shouted and the security were on us. The sound of footsteps were becoming overwhelming and the shouting.
I began to feel sick. "I don't want to go prison. I'm too young for prison" I spoke as I began to worry.
"Rhea just run and you won't" Jordan said as he squeezed my hand tight.

We headed down an alleyway out of sight from the guards. I held myself up against the wall and breathed slowly. Jordan was checking to make sure they had lost us.
I slid down the wall in my damp uniform. I was beginning to become sick of the smell of rain. Jordan slowly made his way towards me.

"Oh my fucking god that was sick" he laughed as he kicked the wall. But then moaned after.

"You could've got us arrested" I said furiously.

"Hey Ree calm down it's fine" Jordan said
as he knelt down in front of me. I ignored his comment and turned away. Jordan tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. He gripped his hand on my cheek and turned my head, so I was facing him. Jordan leaned in and placed his lips onto mine.

"You're under arrest"


Hey guys! Here with a new chapter. I hope you enjoyed this:) please let me know if there is any mistakes xx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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