Broken Reality The New Dawn Chapter Six!

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Broken Reality The New Dawn
Chapter Six
Created September 23 2018
Created By The Warrior
Mind Drifter

She tells me perception is nothing more
than will. Whatever we will is what we
create because we will it to be through
our perception.

She tells me the unwillingly becomes willing
when the unwilling is focused on just as much
or even more so than the willing. She tells me
anything can become anything out of nothing
in just a couple of seconds.

I tell her she knows a lot about perception. I tell
her I was trained in other ways of the warrior.
She shrugs. She ask me what ways? I tell her
fighting. Just the basics though.

I'm really not that good at that either but
I can make things happen. I at least know
enough to keep me from just swinging
my sword around wildly.

She smiles. She says I defeated her so that
says something as she looks off in the distance.
I ask her what is she looking at? She tells me
just a monster that just appeared.

She grabs my hand and starts running towards it.
I see she doesn't build fear easily. We reach the
monster and she charges it. I watch for a second
observing what I'm up against.

The monster knocks her down then charges me.
I fight with the monster but it grows stronger
than me within a second. We both get beat
and run off.

I tell her these fights was easier in the practice.
She tells me she lives for them and runs back
towards the monster. I run back with her
unwillingly but got to protect her.

The monster beats us again. She refuses
to give up. The monster is suddenly drained
of its power and she beats it. She laughs.
I shake my head glad she won but I'm in

She looks at me holding my wound. She
tells me perception of a victory gains
a victory. She tells me when I perceive
this pain truly to be gone it will be gone.

She reaches her hand out to the wound.
She tells me like this. The pain leaves
and everything is back in perfect

I nod. I see why you kept fighting even though
I had gave up. She smiles. She tells me nothing
can kill a warrior but the warrior unless the
warrior is a baby warrior.

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