Broken Reality The New Dawn Chapter Nine!

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Broken Reality The New Dawn
Chapter Nine!
Created September 23 2018
Created By The Warrior
Mind Drifter

We explore the world observing everything and taking
It all in. She seems to have been here a long time
so I am making more observation of this world than
she is.

She seems to only really care about finding monsters
and killing them. Thanks to her I have been in many
battles already and it's only been a short time. It makes
her day just to kill a monster.

I have perceived that killing monsters for her is
as eating good food to another. The only difference
Is that she can battle all she wants cause she has
a hunger which never stops.

It truly must be unhealthy still though to fight so
much all the time. The body must rest at some
point but she doesn't seem to have a point.
She keeps on going and going.

She doesn't seem to get any better at fighting
though for all the fighting she does. She rather
seems to rely too heavily on healing herself
rather than using actually battle tactics.

This must be the carelessness a warrior
obtains from being the only one that can
defeat itself. I don't perceive her to be
at such a level yet but still she shows
the carelessness which can come from

Observing her failure shows me what not to do.
A clear pointing out to the success that is to be
gained. I can see why I defeated her now. I had
the skill and tactic.

Her weakness gives her a positive perception
however. She rushes into every battle only
expecting to win. She perceives victory
and gains victory in a world where perception
Is everything.

I also perceive that seeing that she lost to
me in battle but didn't become enraged
she perceives victory but is open to losing.
She is a mix of weakness and strength.

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