Broken Reality The New Dawn Chapter Eight

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Broken Reality The New Dawn
Chapter Eight
Created September 23 2018
Created By The Warrior
Mind Drifter

I look at her for a moment. I think you cut yourself
short. I think you are more of a warrior than you
perceive yourself to be. This world may have
many differences but there are two things that
never change.

You are either a warrior or a monster. You are
not a monster however so you must be a warrior.
What type of warrior you are however is the

You said you drift and guide warriors. I take
it you are a guiding warrior. You drift us new
warriors on our path until you are no longer
needed or more so wanted.

This is how I perceive you anyways. She
smiles. That is your perception. It's a rather
nice one to have. She points to a burning

I look in amazement of seeing a kingdom.
She grabs my hand and rushes off to save
It. She tells me to help put the fire out as
she looks for the monster.

I shake my head. This should be the other
way around. You help with the fire and
I'll find the monster. She shrugs.
She helps with the fire and I look
for the monster.

A warrior informs me his perception went
wrong. It resulted in this mess and almost
burned the entire kingdom. He tells me
all it takes is a second.

He thanks me for helping out but informs me
there is no monster. I nod and get back on
my adventure. She tells me an out of hand
perception is more destructive than any
monster. It is the perception that creates
the monster after all.

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