Broken Reality The New Dawn Chapter 17!

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Broken Reality The New Dawn
Chapter 17
Created September 23 2018
Created By The Warrior
Mind Drifter

I am attacked by a monster first thing. The
man gets the best of me. A sword from
behind him enters him. The sword slings
him to the floor.

The guy who took Rose away from me stands
before me. He holds out his hand to me reaching
to help me up. I take his hand and he helps me

He tells me in another world he would have killed
me but in this one we have to work together.
I look at him not really understanding why he
Is helping me.

He tells me sorry for taking her away but it
is what I created for myself to happen. He
tells me it's not like I wanted her around
anymore after all the fighting she was
getting me into.

I rub my head thinking about the situation
being created by me. The whole time I
thought she caused it. This is my world
though so it makes sense.

I ask him what are we doing exactly? He
tells me preparation for another world.
He tells me not to take the beating
I will receive later personally.

I look at him thinking about the fact that he
knows about the other worlds. He knows
about his other self. He knows he is against
me somewhere else but yet still helps me

He looks at me and shrugs. He tells me he
knows my thoughts. I am in shock at first
but then I quickly remember where I
truly am.

I tell him that since he knows so much
hurry and get this over with. I already
know my choice anyways. I was born
a warrior.

He laughs at me. He tells me what's the big
rush for mockingly. A monster appears
and enters the room. I fight the monster
confidently being confident in myself.

Iron looks at me after I defeat the monster.
He smiles. He tells me I seem to have rather
grown greatly since he last seen me. I tell
him I am a warrior my progress is natural.

We run out the room and time gets distorted.
Everything slows down and I see the world
vanishing before me. I feel fear of the unknown
not knowing what is going on.

I could be dying right now. I kick out my
thoughts of worry and fear. I am always
In control. I am always in control. I am
a warrior.

I stand in the empty space having nothing else
to stand on. I am in the middle of nowhere
for a world is not even created. I look around
wondering how long is this going to last?

I hear a voice speaking to me. It tells me
that I seem to rather have my mind truly
made up. It tells me to prepare for a

My body feels with hatred that is not mine.
I try and hold onto my composure but the
hate I feel is super strong. I keep going over
the same lines in my head. I am a warrior.
I am in control.

This last for a long time. I guess this is a battle
of endurance and restriction. A battle with myself
having only me and this hate I feel around me.
I remain calm in my peace though the hate is
so strong.

A sword appears in the space along with a
gun. The hate wants me to kill myself. I
keep going over the same lines with the
power of the lines becoming stronger
each time I go over them.

I remember Rose telling me controlling
perception was all about holding focus
onto a perception. The more put into
It the stronger it becomes.

I guess this is the time to do it. The time
to take control over my perception
and create my reality before I kill myself
having my reality made for me.

The sword appears in my hand and the gun
In my other hand. They tell me to use them
repetitively. I hear other voices blended in
with them telling me the same.

They scream because I don't and disappear.
The voice tells me disappointing. A world
suddenly appears with me holding a gun
and a sword in my hands looking at
Iron who is beat up badly.

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