Life isn't fair.

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The bells rung throughout London, signifying the birth of a healthy prince. Queen Katherine remaided in her birthing chamber, surrounded  by her maids and midwives. On the left side of her bed, King Arthur sat fussing over their newborn son. "He's perfect in every way Katherine. Thank you." Prince Harry, flanked by Charles Brandon and George Boleyn, paced in his chambers thinking of possible outcomes for the Duk of York. He was unmarried & had no children. If Kathrine's son was as healthy as rumored throughout court she could request Henry be churched as soon as possible. Arthur would have no grievances with such a plan either since he now had an heir of his own. His younger brother was of no use and now posed a threat to the newborn prince. "Your highness you must leave court. We shall throw his Grace of your trail for as long as possible." Charles insisted. George snickered. "Are you demented, Sir Brandon? If he runs, King Arthur will think he is uprising in secret and preparing to revolt." Henry agreed with George. "I will visit my nephew and brother, wishing them all the peace and happiness they deserve. If Katherine wishes to church me, she won't be able to resist the perfect chance. Once Arthur sees how desperate she is to decide in matters of state, he will dismiss the charge for a later date."

His companions follow his highness' orders. "Once he does, I need you both to send word to all the Lords of court and councilmen we have on our side. Make sure they know that I need them to petition against churching me, when the time comes to discuss my future with the King." Charles and George take this as their queue to leave as Henry makes his way to the Queen's birthing chamber to see in his new nephew. Once he reached the rooms of belonging to Katherine he found Anne standing with the rest of Katherine's ladies. Anne gave him a gentle  smile which he returned. Months had passed since they last spoken. She was now engaged in the Earl of Sutherland and was going to be serving as the Queen's lady until the time of her marriage. Her Father spoke against her seeing the Duke of York any longer, becuase of their casual relationship. Lord Boleyn could not risk her reputation around court. Although he understood Lord Boleyn's reasoning, Henry missed Anne dearly & kowing she was to be someone else's did not help either.

Moving on to his nephew, Henry bowed to the King and Queen, who held their son. "Welcome brother. Come meet the Prince of Wales, James." Henry gazed upon the small babe. The child favored his mother with a head of dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. "A handsome boy, indeed." Henry bit back the urge to comment on the child small size and lack of color. He never had a child before, so he did know whether or not the newborn should appear so meak. The babe hardly even cried. Katherine held her son for dear life, thanking God for helpig her secure her line. Now that she had a son and was loved my the people of England, no one could stand in her way. Glancing over a the Duke of York, she decided there was no better time than now to ask her husband for her greatest wish. "Husband, surely now that we have a so of our own, your brother would be safer and at peace as a clergyman." Henry smiled, knowing katherine would never let a chance like this pass by her.

Arthur happiness wavered at the mention of such a grey topic while he enjoyed this proud moment. "Katherine, now isn't the time to speak on such matters." The King firmly stated. "But, my love, you said-" Arthur gripped Katherine's free hand. "I said, not now, M'lady." Katherine gulped as Arthur kissed her head and released her hand. Henry stepped away from the couple and his puney nephew. "I shall take my leave." Following the actions of the Duke of York the other women left the royal couple to bask in their son.

Happiness slowed in the court as the next week brought calamity over the lives of the royal family. Before the royal christening could take place the young babe took it last breath while sleeping. Everyone questioned what went wrong. The midwives gossiped about the babe ever standing a chance because of his small size and improper care for a babe of his standing. Word got around that the women tried to alert Queen Katherine the moment the baby was born about the risks of having such a frail baby and not taking proper measurements. Katherine was having none of it. Some say the poor mother claimed she knew what her child needed and that he would be fine aftera few feedings. It was too late, though. Three days into his life the boy suddenly died and with him the hope of a secure line for the Tudor dynasty.

Court mourned for a month or two for the small babe, but King Arthur, favoring a happier time ended the mourning period early. "Not all babes are meant to survive. We must hope they are at peace in the afterlife." Price Hery not caring too much about the death of nephew, agreed. Queen Katherine remained in his apartments, away from the rest of the court, weeping for her son. Anne spent the mourning period at her family home at Hever castle, preparing for her wedding. It was a quick one. They ate, danced and before she knew it were off to the beddig ceremony. Luckily, no one needed to be present, because they was nothing to see. Her new husband, Lord Herald, Earl of Sutherland, did not come to her bed that night. He spent the their wedding night two doors down in the arms of his closest companion, Sir Raymond.

Anne Boleyn, Countess of Sutherland cried herself to sleep that night. She woke the next morning a virgin & alone. Her husband came in before anyone noticed his disappearance. The young lady threw his shirt at him. "I hope you do not expect me to keep your siful relationship a secret,  husband." She sneered. He scoffed, "Of course I do. After all if it comes out that I left your bed for the comoany of another man, my reputation won't be the only thing tainted. You will be the laughing stock of all of England. Forever a maid." Anne's hands formed into fist and smashed into the bed. "Everyone will begin to question why I haven't given you son. Don't you want one? An heir to carry your name." The Earl of Sutherlands grimaced at the thought of sharing a bed with anyone, but his male lover. "My late wife, died giving me two healthy sons. The twins are about three years old now and reside with their tutors and servants at my old family residence. You may visit them anytime you wish, but you will remain at my side when at court. We mustn't have people questioning where I spend my nights if my wife isn't there." Anne crossed her arms. "And what am I to do with my time. I cannot remain a maiden forever."

Her husband shrugs. "You may take a lover if you wish, but they must be discreet." Anne's eyes widen. "You would have me give  myself to someone else?" Heralds chuckles. "This is your life now. Might as well get use to it." With that he was out the door to break his fast. Anne remained in bed until her family depearted. She would not make a scene. Not until the right person heard of this outrage.

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