Not What It Seems

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"The Emperor took Anne?" The Duke of Suffolk questioned as Henry paced around his study. "Surely this isn't the brillant first acts of war they came up with? Kidnapping your mistress?" Charles added puzzled that spain could be so juvenile. Henry shifted on his feet. "Of course it is, Charles. It's a warning. Clearly they have spies in my court, otherwise how could they have known Anne was leaving." The two friends eyes met. "We must get her back in one piece, Charles." The Duke agreed, knowing the King would never focus until his lover was back at his side. But something about this kidnapping didn't sit well with the Duke of Suffolk. The emperor was never one to play games during a war. Anne disappearance was too obvious of a declaration of war. Someone was trying to initiate a war between the two kingdoms. And now it was on Charles Brandon to find out who was responsible before England became the pawn in some else's game.

"Your majesty, allow me to investigate this case." Charles insisted to the enraged king who was ready to go to war over his lost love. "I'll give you a month to negotiate with Spain for Anne's safe return. If she isn't brought back unharmed I'll sail to Spain and tear that bastard's heart out with my bare hands." Charles sighed. "And what if someone else is responsible for her disappearance? What if Spain has nothing to do with this at all" Henry eyes bured with fury at the thought that one of subjects would dare to lay a hand on Anne. "If you discover another culprit, bring the blood traitors back to me alive, so I can inquire about their intentions myself. Then I'll them tortured, cut their head off and display it outside the palace gates as a warning for those who seek to harm my loved ones." Henry placed a firm hand on his best friend's shoulder. "I mean it Charles. I will not lose another member of my family to the cruel hands of other. Not again. Kill the lackies, bring me their heads. Leave the leader for me to handle as I see fit." Charles promised to find Anne, and deliver a swift justice to the traitors in the name of the king, his best friend.

"You won't get away with this. Henry will see right through you plans." Anne argued keeping a steady hand on her stomach. A week in captivity & she discovered her first insists about who was behind her kidnapping were wrong. "Henry is blinded by hatred for the spanish to see what is really happeing." Her ladies all shook their head in disbelief as Anne contiued to pry for information. "You want a war to break out between England & Spain? What good will that do for you?" Her captor laughed. "You still do not understand, Anne. This has nothing to do with politics or crowns. This is purely payback. He took something I held dearly, I simply plan to return the favor." His hands rubbed across Anne face as she tried to shake it off. "Henry will feel what I felt that day when I sat by and watched my family be hacked away one by one." Anne's faced stoned. "Your family plotted to kill the entire royal family. They planted a sick servants into the every household of the royal family to ensure a clean death. King Arthur, Queen Catherie & Henry's firstborn child died because of your  family's disgusting crimes."

Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham, shrugged. "The english throne is rightfully mine." Anne could not believe the insanity he clearly believed. "And that gave you the right to Henry's entire family. His daughter was an innocent child." Buckingham smirked. "Any child with tudor blood is a threat. I plan to rid england of all their wretched blood, including the brat growing within you." Anne head shook fast as the tears started to run again. "You'll never get your hands on this child!" Edward faced his men who chuckled at Anne's pleas. "Do not worry Lady Anne, your child will be born healthy, because I need it alive for what I have planned. No matter how much Henry is fond of is whore Jane Seymour or his spanish wife, all of england knows it is you who holds his heart." Anne breath quicken as she thought of the many things Edward could do to her to hurt Henry. "What are you going to do to me?"

Duke of Buckingham leaned over to the emotional pregnant lady. "Simple. While Henry puts england into a endless war with spain for your safe return, I will build my army to overtake england. My first act as King will be to put death all the tudors for treason. You will die with the lot of tudors while Henry watches. Then I'll take Henry's life with my very own sword." Anne now knew the man in front of her was truly insane. He truely believed that his horrid plan would work. "How can you charge the king of england with treason?" The men laughed as if Anne asked a dumb question. "Women. Your sex never understood the game of politics. Henry's desire to save you from spain will cause him to fight a longtime war, putting england in debt, commonors will starve & soldiers will contiue to die all for the sake of a mere woman. I will propose Henry is an unfit King. And for his crimes he shall be put to death, along with the rest of his family. A full proof plan." Anne blinked in confusion. "Edward everyone believes you to have died years ago during your exceution. This plan of your will never pull through. Let me go, I beg of you. My ladies and I will never speak of any of this. You have my word. I swear on the child in my stomach. Let us go & we'll claim we were taken by bandits and left for dead when they discovered who I am, and abandoned their plans out of fear of Henry's wrath."

The men behind Buckingham appeared to encourage him to keep up his antics. They clearly knew the former Duke was mentally unstable, but were taking advatage anyway. Edward enjoyed the feeling of power it gave him. Anne could see the need for power that  radiated off the Duke of Buckingham. He was consumed by it. "Your grace, you are in need of physican. These men are using you and your knowledge of court for their amusement. You won't be spared if Henry finds out you are behind my kidnapping. Let me go & I can order one of the royal physican to help you. Henry need never know you're still alive." The men behind Buckingham insisted to heed their words. Buckingham was bewildered as he glanced between the women and the foreignors. He gribbed his head shouting at them all to shut their mouths. The former courtiers was losing his mind, making him much more dangerous. Anne had to get out of here.

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