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England turmoil knew no bounds but remained strong in the face of danger. King Henry's plans thoroughly managed within parliament, as to what actions his nobles faced in the unsettling thoughts of his possible death. 

"My son will be crowned King of England on the soils of Wales in the church I built in honor of the death of his deceased siblings." Henry sighed, giving a small moment of silence in honor of his late children. "Until William comes of age, Lord Armistead will rule as Lord Regent. Jacob Manson will serve as Lord Protector until Prince William reaches the age of twenty. All rights to the throne and authority will return to my son at such time." 

Although Prince William descended from a family with plenty of males to hold the powers of Lord Protector or Lord Regent, Henry and Anne trusted none of her family members to look out for the interest of England above their own personal plans. 

Despite her beloved having their son's best interest at heart, Anne knew her moment was now or never. If Henry left to battle with his current plan, her son's life dangled in the hands of men who were practically strangers. 

Jacob Manson, a scholar and former General in the french militant, searched whoever's interest laid out with his own. He and Henry only met because Manson betrayed his own men in favor of the riches Henry vowed. What better riches than to become the protector of the future King. A chance to become William's closet advisor in the future for battle strategies and approaches on the world of Europe. 

Lord Armistead, a middle-aged turnip whose only goal in life was becoming a Duke. The highest privilege that a King could appoint upon his closet friends. What better way to reach the goal than have the private ear of the future King of England. If Armistead got his grips into young Willaim he'd never let go. Who's to say he wouldn't attempt to rule through young William, spouting nonsense about new laws and taxes, whenever the opportunity arose. 

No, Anne refused to allow her son to become a puppet. A king in the name only, while others whispered in his ear and called the shots for him. Only tutors that Anne knew and trusted were allowed to advise her son on matters of state and war. Her son's future council were going to be men Anne knew held England's greatest desires above all else. Men who strived to better their homelands, while still adding to their ranks. Men with ambitions that respect the political boundaries of a King and his noblemen.

Only one path Anne could take in order to achieve her goal. "Name me Queen Regent and give me full Guardianship of our son until he comes of age." 

Henry fell into his chair at Anne's bold request. "I love you, Anne, but you know not what you ask of me." 

"It's a power move, I know." Anne hastily replied. "I'm not doing this to rule through our son. I'm doing this to protect him, Henry. As much as I want to believe your nobles have Willaim's best interest - they don't." 

"You have no ruling experience. William is but a child. And you are a....." Henry ranted, but held back on his last statement. 

"Say it, Henry. Say the words that put you in the mess you're in, now." Anne warned with a narrowed glare. "I'm a woman, and women cannot rule England. That's why you sat upon the throne in your niece's place." 

"That's not true." Henry lied, hopping to his feet. 

"But isn't it?" Anne laughed cheekily. "Although it was Mary's age that held her at a disadvantage in the eyes of the noble all those years ago, it was her lack of masculinity that resulting in you sitting upon the throne before her." 

Henry shook his head in refuted. "I was named King because Mary was a babe when her father, my brother, died. She couldn't rule as his heir, so I did." 

"Mary's age was an excuse, not the reason for you to steal her throne." Anne scoffed. "Now you're reaping the cost of your sins. Are you really going to make the same mistake twice?"

Henry sealed his eyes shut, flaring his nostrils with frustration. Anne's gentle hands caressed his cheeks. 

"Look at me, my love," Anne whispered, urging Henry to glance upon her sweet expression. "All month you've agonized over leaving at the mercy of our enemies. Giving our son your crown grants him protection, but leaves me open for the kill. You wanted to save me, this is how you do it. Give me the regency, and I swear to you, I will do right by our country and by our son." 

Henry gazed at Anne conveying the pure honesty in her eyes. Although she knew nothing of ruling a country, as long as his lover captivated those eyes, Anne could talk her way out of any situation. She'd learn to the same with politics, as she did with every other skill she developed over the years. Leaving their son in the care of his mother was the best option. Leaving his country in the care of his beloved was his only option. 

"I suppose parliament will need to be summoned once more." 

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