"you're" adorable

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Ant rummaged through his cupboard, frowning.

"Weird. All my hoodies keep disappearing." He muttered to himself.

"Spooky." A small voice said. Ant turned around to see Dec in a hoodie twice his size, smiling sheepishly at him.


Dec lounged on the sofa, daydreaming about his and his husband's soon to be born baby girl. He heard a door open and watched his husband as he opened a cupboard and pulled out a packet of crisps.


"Hmfgh?" He replied, with his mouth full.

"Can you give me a girl's name?"

"Ummm... Bob." He said absently.

"A 'girl's' name Ant!" Dec exclaimed, irritated.

"Bobette." Ant replied as he exited the room, munching on his crisps.

"THIS IS OUR CHILD I'M TALKING ABOUT FOR GOODNESS SAKES!!!" Dec screamed at the top of his lungs.


Ant stared at Dec as he cried loudly and reached for more tissues. He blew his nose loudly, took one more look at the TV and erupted into sobs again, burying his face in his hands.

"Seriously?" Ant asked, unbelievably. "You've watched Titanic like a million times. And you're 30 years old. You're actually still crying over it?"

Dec nodded at him through tears, dabbing delicately at his eyes.

Ant rolled his eyes and folded his arms.

"Well, you'll never catch me crying at a stupid movie!" He said proudly. "I'm emotionless!"

Dec snorted. "Says the man who confessed his feelings to me while smiling, blushed while dating and cried when we got married."

Ant's cheeks flushed pink and he began stuttering excuses. Dec leaned over and pinched his cheeks, laughing.

"You look so cute when you're embarrassed! " Dec cooed, tears long forgotten. Ant grumbled and pushed him away, glaring at Dec while he cackled on the sofa.


"So," Stephen said excitedly, "Tell me everything. How did you meet?"

Ant blushed. "It was an accident really. He texted me "your adorable" and then I texted back "no you're adorable".

Stephen stopped sipping his tea. "And?" He said expectantly.

"Now we've been on six dates. All I did was point out a typo, but I like him, he is adorable anyway, so I'm not gonna say anything." Ant laughed.


Ant groaned and buried his head in his pillow. It was 7 o'clock in the morning and was his husband's first day back at work at his school. To say that he was excited would be an understatement. Currently, he was screaming songs in the shower.


"SHUT UP!!!" Ant yelled at him, not sure if he heard or not.

There was a pause from the shower, and then "FrOM tHE CHaNdELIeEEEER!!!"

"If you don't shut up with that, then I'm going to have to join you." Ant said sternly.

Dec's excited face suddenly popped out from the bathroom door. "Join me in the shower or in with the singing?"

"In the shower."

Dec's face lit up and was about to say something cheeky when Ant cut him off.

"To drown you."


Dec glared at Ant and threw a pillow at him. He ran away from him, blocking his ears and ignoring every word he was saying. He could feel Ant tugging his arms, pleading with him and trying to pull him back but Dec shrugged him off and ran to his room, locking himself inside. Ant immediately began knocking on the door and started apologising for what he did. But the words went over his head.

"Dec, I'm sorry! Please, it was an accident, I didn't know!"

Dec dismissed the apology. Swallowing his tears, he manged to get out one sentence.

"I'm sorry, but I can't live in the same house as the person who just ruined my life."

There was a slight pause from behind the door before Ant scolded,

"Jesus Christ, Declan. Stop being so dramatic! I'll buy you another Chinese tomorrow!"


Stephen got the fright of his life when, on the way to his classes, he saw Dec lying on the floor staring at the ceiling. Cautiously, he edged closer and peered at Dec's face, which held the same straight, unmoving expression.

"Dec?" Stephen asked, not sure whether to expect an answer or not.

"Yeah?" Dec replied, in a quiet voice.

"Ummm... are you okay?" He asked, concerned.


"What are you doing?"

"I'm lying on the floor Stephen. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed."

"Oh ok." Stephen blinked. "Why are you feeling overwhelmed again? "

Dec rolled his eyes. "Because Ant-bloody-McPartlin smiled at me!!!"


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