You're practically drooling.

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"You're staring again," Stephen scolded his friend as he gazed at the younger boy at the other table.

"Who? Me?" He questioned nonchalantly.

"Dec, you're practically drooling."

Dec quickly wiped his mouth on the back of his sleeve and glared at his friend. "No I'm not, shut up, you're insane!"

Raising an eyebrow, Stephen folded his arms and leant back in his chair. "Yeah, you're right," he said coolly, "What would anyone EVER see in Ant?"

Dec's head snapped up in anger.

"WHAT?! Ant is amazing!!! Funny, beautiful, smart, and let's not forget his-"

Dec looked up from his rant to see Stephen gaping at him and trailed off into silence. After seconds of awkwardness,  Stephen snorted and put his head in his hands, his body shaking uncontrollably with silent laughter.

Dec shot him daggers. "I can't believe I fell for that..." he muttered, rolling his eyes.


They had been arguing for half an hour. Insults had been hurled and accusations had been made. One of them had finally had enough.

"You know what? Fuck you." Dec yelled.

"I already did!" Ant spat back.

They stared at each other in a shocked silence.

"And I did it real good" He finished, studying Dec. He thought he could see a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

After an intense staredown between the two of them, Dec finally smirked and said,

"Yes. Yes, you did."


Ant had just finished putting together a cupboard. Taking a step back, he surveyed his handiwork with satisfaction.

"No problems!" He exlaimed proudly, dusting dirt off of his clothes.

He was disturbed by a crash and whipped round to see Dec, who had fallen into an empty box and was grinning up at him sheepishly. Ant slapped his forehead and rolled his eyes as Dec impatiently started to struggle. Dec then further tipped the box over onto a pile of tools and landed with a yelp of surprise.

"One problem!!!" Ant inwardly groaned.


Ant and Dec were snuggled on the sofa together watching TV. Dec let out a relaxed sigh as he held Ant in a tight embrace and caressed his curly black locks.

Dec looked down at the head that was peacefully resting on his chest and carefully pressed a kiss on it.

Ant frowned up at him. "You missed!" He whined, turning on his irresistible puppy eyes. The lighter haired man looked down at his boyfriend's antics with a confused smile.

"What do you mean?" Dec laughed, hugging him even tighter.

Ant wriggled out of Dec's hold and softly grabbed his chin. He looked him in the eyes and planted a firm kiss on his lips. A few seconds later, Ant pulled away and went back to resting on a very surprised Dec.

"There." Ant whispered contentedly, burying his head in the crook of Dec's neck.


Dec's neck lol, sounds weird 😄😄😄

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