Chapter 12

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Maya's Pov:
I started listening to NF music "Let You Down"
I kept thinking I let everybody down
I began to cry when I was little I had a hard time crying because everyone went wrong in my life I couldn't explain and express how I was feeling at the time.
So what I did was listen to NF and he made me feel safe inside I keep things inside instead of telling people.
It easier for me so I won't get hurt.
Lucas hurt me and Riley hurt me.
Everyone hurts me.
I begin to turn off my phone and make dinner.
But then suddenly I hear knock at the door. It was Riley.
"I need to you something
"I need you to something as well
"You go first Riley
I was raped
"What by who and I am hurt them.
"It was Lydia
Maya started at me and looked like she going to punch someone. She stayed slience for a moment.
Then she begin to speak.
"I can't remember what really happen because I was drunk but I do remember some things.
"We should tell the police they could put her in jail.
"What do you mean they could Riley?
"Nothing I'm just saying they could
"So you're that you don't believe me?
"I never said that
"Yes you did by the look on your face right now.
"I'm done being your friend I'm so sick of you of running to a mental hospital when things get tough for you.
"What you are taking about?
"You know damn well what I'm taking about.
"No I don't
"Stop lying to me
"I'm not
"This a waste of my time Maya I'm leaving.
"Fine go
Farkle's Pov:
"So you told Maya?
"Yes Farkle
"It's okay she doesn't understand Maya is so selfish she doesn't even care about her own child.
"Riley honey
"Listen sometimes you life you gotta let people do their own thing and keep in mind that she's a adult and she can do whatever she wants to do.
"I cannot believe that you're agree with this?
"Why do you suddenly care what Maya thinks?
"She's my best friend
"No she isn't she uses you all time
"She uses you all time honestly get up and think about it.
"She never used me
"Stop lying to yourself

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