Do you regret it?

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Bucky x reader

Summary: short story, Bucky and the reader broke up on mutual terms but sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants the question is does Bucky regret it?

A/N: I might make a longer version of this but its currently 12am and I'm super tired so let me know if u wanna see more of this, also I'm more active on Tumblr if people wanna go follow me on there.

They were stood in a room together, door closed and locked so no one could intrude although knowing Tony his AI would be recording every minute of their conversation. Drama in the Avengers compound was hard to come by so anything remotely dealing with feelings sent a wave of excitement through each member. (Y/N) stood in the centre of his room her eyes drifting down to the floor to avoid his pained glaze, even though she wasn't looking at him she knew he was angry, possibly disappointed; Bucky on the other hand was sat on the edge of his bed staring intently at her shaking form, his mind was racing a thousand thoughts per minute. The room was in an airy silence neither wanting to make the first move, (Y/N) sucked in a some air before releasing a shaky breath.

"Do you regret it?" Her eyes now only reaching his, her body language was still tense although he couldn't blame her after what happened tense wouldn't be the word to describe how his body felt right now. Bucky slowly started to raise from his position on the bed careful not to startle her, this was the most conversation they have had in a while it felt strange, odd even not talking to each other in such a long period of time.


"I don't know" her voice shook "Everything" He was quite for a long moment, heat flooded her cheeks; She opened her mouth to tell him to forget about what she said, but finally he spoke " just because we didn't work out doesn't mean you weren't the best thing that ever happened to me, because you were." Bucky now stood infant of her gently grasping her hands and pressing a soft kiss to them, looking back into his eyes (Y/N) saw a small shine and that award winning smile.

"Yeah," she said with glistening eyes "you too" she hated the fact that she still loved him, she hated the fact that only a few moments ago she had yelled the truth to him infront of everyone else, but most of all she hated how he didn't feel the same way at least not anymore.

Bucky Barnes x reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now