Do You Regret It? Part 4

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----The Day Of The Break-Up----

Hearing him say those poisonous words to you made you fall, feel weak at the knees. The air was knocked out of you the walls were closing in you couldn't handle being in the same room as him anymore you had to get out, you ran down the hall away from that cursed room, no more looking back only forward. Nat's room wasn't that far away you could see her and cry in her arms or maybe go find Steve...wait no not Steve most likely Bucky would already be with him.

Once reaching Nat's room you banged on the door repeatedly tears flowing freely and staining your cheeks. Natasha opened the door to reveal a broken girl, her hands shaking, eyes puffy, lips turned upside down she looked alone. Natasha opened her arms and stroked (Y/N)'s hair shushing her, she brought the girl closer into her room closing the door with her foot, rocking (Y/N) in her arms at a gentle pace to calm her down.

After a while (Y/N) stopped crying but sniffles were still heard, Natasha and (Y/N) were lying on the bed listening to soft music Nat put on to calm (Y/N) down. She looked at the girl before her someone she saw as strong, brave, fearless- she still sees all those qualities but at the same time things she never expected to see from her fear, pain, sorrow. "Do you want to talk about it?" Nat asked voice barely above a whisper as to not startle the women, (Y/N) didn't say anything but just stared at her hands; Natasha sighed.

"Did you love him?"

That caught you off guard, you turned back to Nat her eyes reflecting sorrow a small frown on her face. You turned back and continued to stare at your fingers "Yes" was your only reply, your voice was hoarse after the crying "How much?" Natasha played with your fingers trying to get you to look at her "Does it matter?" you asked in a dull tone all emotion slipping away from you. "Why does it not?" she questioned back, finally you looked at her debating an answer some tears slipping down your cheek again when you finally stuttered an answer "Because it wasn't enough to make him stay".

----Living Room----


"Why what Steve?"

"Why did I agree to let you do that, why did I help you do that, why would you ever want to do that, why would you lie to her?"

Bucky looked up from his spot on the sofa reading the newspaper, Steve was stood looking out the window staring upon the city his arms folded and face full of confusion. Bucky turned his head back down to the newspaper "That's a lot of whys pal" he said trying to lighten the mood, but the truth is the mood could never change, not the mood in the room right now or Bucky's mood. "Well you caused them all, I just...I just don't get it. Why would you want to lose something so good? She was the best damn thing that happened to you since Wakanda and yet here you are acting as though nothing happened." Steve was now facing Bucky arms still crossed and a disappointed look on his face, all he wanted was to know what the reasoning behind it all was.

"You don't think I know she was the best thing to happen to me, you don't think I'm grateful for all the time I've spent with her!" Bucky threw down his paper and stood in front of Steve challenging his stature "I love that girl, there is not one thought that goes through my mind about what I just did. She's always in my head and that is something I'm just going to have to get through, but Steve you cannot stand here and moan at me on my love life when you've been groveling around here when the only person you loved is gone!" As soon as Bucky said that he paused, his eyes went wide as did Steves he wasn't expecting him to just blow like that. Steve looked down towards his shoes then back up at Bucky "I may have lost the love of my life, but you still have yours. So yes, I'm having a go at you for dumping her because once she's gone Bucky you would move heaven and Earth to get her back and wish she was still in your arms just like before" Steve walked away leaving behind his best friend to think over his words and hopefully do the right thing otherwise he's lost forever.

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