Prom 2.0

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My prom happened a few years ago, but I can still remember it as though it was yesterday. The fancy limos, the meal, the dancing, the photos, it probably sounds really fun right? Wrong. You see dear reader, at my prom, I was the laughing stock of the night. I was excited about going I even had my mother buy me a new dress to wear, a black and white striped party dress, nothing too fancy for prom but not too informal. My hair was down and curled and I had the perfect amount of make-up on, nothing too heavy like most girls had. The prom started at 7 and my date was going to pick me up at 6:30 so we could make it in time with everyone else.

Ah yes, my date, he was way out of my league but never the less he asked me to prom. I, of course, wasn't expecting to be asked to prom I assumed I would just go with my friends, this is where problem number one started; all my friends had dates to the prom meaning I would either be dateless or not go at all. But I would never hear the end of it if I didn't show up:

"(Y/N) where were you?"

"Why didn't you show up to prom?"

"So what you didn't have a date a lot of people didn't, doesn't mean you couldn't have spent time with us!"

The doorbell rang and I hid behind the corner so I could secretly spy on my parents and be able to interject if anything gets too...embarrassing, to say the least. my eyes trailed up his legs, to begin with, a black suit nice I thought to myself, my eyes landed on his face and he was— hang on, that's not him, who is this guy and who's that girl hanging onto his arm? I quickly scanned my parent's faces and saw a look of disappointment and understanding, the mystery couple left a few minutes after and my mum called me down. I took one look into her eyes and knew he wasn't coming, I resisted the urge to cry as he didn't deserve my sorrow, I took a minute to pull myself together and my mother offered me a lift to the venue. Problem number 2: my date ditched me.

"So you hated prom because you got stood up? So what, you must have had a good time without him." Said Natasha, "It's not just that Nat, at the meal the waiter spilt orange juice down me and ruined my dress, one of my heels broke so I looked like I had a weird limp and someone there started a fake rumour about me which soon got everyone's attention and they all started laughing at me" I said with tears starting to form. It was silly to be reacting like this but people say prom is supposed to be the best thing ever, a big end of year party for all the hard work I did in school, but my prom turned out to be the place just above hell or maybe below.

"Wow, you have got some serious issues (L/N)" Tony interjected, "yeah, I know" I replied. Tony poured himself a cup of coffee and sat next to Nat so now I had two pairs of judging eyes on me, Tony looked as though he was thinking and with the smile forming on his face one can only assume it wasn't a good idea.


"You don't even know what I'm gonna say"

"Don't need to the smirk on your face says it all"

"Please just let me explain my idea, it's actually very goo—"

"Nope, end of, no more, we're done" I said walking away from the kitchen area and towards my room. As I was walking along the corridors I felt a looming presence over my shoulder relax it's probably just someone going to their room you're not the only one on this floor stupid, as I turned to the small entrance to my room the figure followed I did a sharp spin and was facing a broad chest. I slowly looked up and was met with dazzling blue eyes "Hey doll" a smirk and my knees went weak "Barnes" I opened up the door to my room and left it open for him to follow. I flopped onto the sofa with a huff I could hear the door shutting in the background "So I heard about your prim in the kitchen."

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