Do You Regret It? Part 3

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Bucky x reader

Summary: short story, Bucky and the reader broke up on mutual terms but sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants the question is does Bucky regret it?

A/N: This was hard to write, some bits seemed to flow but other bits were a struggle to get through and now im sad because I was listening to sad songs to get me into the mood, I hope you enjoy.

4 months ago

He loved her, he loved her with all his heart and thats why it was hard for him to even consider what he wanted to do.

(Y/N) waltzed into the room a bright smile on her face, her (H/C) hair flowing and bouncing a little as she swung herself around to land on the couch. Swiping the remote from the coffee table she turned it on and went straight to her favourite channel catching up on the re-run of friends, all week (Y/N) had been waiting for this a day where she finally got to relax and not even begin to think about going on a mission. Tony and Steve walked into the living room ranting about some sort of plan for the next stake-out, with such loud voices (even with the volume on high) (Y/N) couldn't hear a thing producing a loud, dramatic sigh she stood up and turned the t.v off; next stop the kitchen if she couldn't watch television then she was damn well getting food.

Usually the kitchen was quite empty but not today, everyone and their mother was here. Wanda and vision were at the stove a sweet smell coming from the pot she was stirring, Natasha and Sam were joking around at the stools, Bruce was helping Clint open a beer since he broke his arm on the last mission and Bucky...well Bucky was nowhere to be found. (Y/N) walked around the counter and sat on the chair next to Natasha "Hey (Y/N) how's your friends marathon?" Nat questioned (Y/N) raised her hands to her face pulling down her skin as though she was melting "UHHHH, Craptain America and Iron Fart are talking EXTREMELY loud so I couldn't hear a thing" she sighed Natasha let out a chuckle at the ridiculous nicknames she had given Steve and Tony.

Just then a figure came out from the shadows - Bucky. He walked over to (Y/N) and wrapped his arms around her waist pressing his nose to her neck "Hey baby, I didn't know if you were gonna show up thought I would have to come find you." He hummed against her "Ah come on man, ain't nobody wanna see this" Sam motioned his arms to (Y/N) and Bucky "I don't know Sam I think its kinda cute" Natasha replied with a smirk. Bucky let go and wandered over to the fridge grabbing two bottles of water, he grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and blessed everyone with a goodbye before dragging (Y/N) upstairs to their shared room.

Once the door was shut (Y/N) jumped onto the bed landing face first and erupting into giggles Bucky just watched a small smile taking frame on his face, he strolled over joining the beautiful girl on the bed and pulling her into his lap. Her arms instinctively wrapped around his neck while his went to her waist, the two sat in a moment of pure bliss; she leaned forward and kissed along his neck and up to his jaw Bucky hummed in pleasure. He moved his hands to reach up to her cheeks drawing her attention away from his jaw, (Y/N) looked up into Bucky's blue eyes a frown making its way onto her face, his usual ocean blue eyes had a slight sadness to them one she had seen when they first started dating almost 5 months ago.

"Baby whats wrong?" Her eyes replicating his own "Nothing, it's fine- I promise" he smiled but it didn't reach his eyes, Bucky hoped it would fool her from the truth he hoped it was just some strange thought that would go away in a day but as the nights went on the feeling got stronger and stronger. He couldn't do this anymore he couldn't keep lying to himself anymore he couldn't keep lying to her, he needed to do this, well, thats what he kept telling himself. Bucky was alone in his room pacing around, last night (Y/N) and him had watched a movie and she fell asleep while her breathing was calm Bucky watched her intently the way her hair framed her face, her plump lips, her rosey cheeks god he was so in love with this women.

"I have to do this- I can't keep putting it off" Bucky sighed and took a deep breathe "hey (Y/N) I need to talk to you- I really need to, no that sounds too desperate...(Y/N) it's not you it's me no too cheesy *sighs* why is this so hard" Bucky sat down on his bed head in hands, "You're going to break up with (Y/N)?" Steve's voice echoed in the quite room Bucky looked up too afraid to speak releasing a shaky breath "It's for the best Steve, she can do so much better than me she deserves someone who won't kill her in her sleep who won't put her in more danger someone who isn't me" Steve shook his head "You can't be serious Buck she loves you-" "And I love her too!" Bucky stood up and walked to the window staring out at the busy street "I love her too Steve" it was a whisper only audible because of Steve's super hearing.

Two weeks later

(Y/N) was sat on her bed reading a book when Bucky walked in a sad look on his face, his eyes carried huge bags and his stubble was unshaven. (Y/N) looked up from her book taking in the sight of her boyfriend "Bucky you look terrible" he smirked and sat on the bed "Thanks Doll" "No I mean- you just don't look healthy, are you ill or something" he turned away from her and muttered "Or something". (Y/N) pulled away from him with a questionable look on her face "What?" He sighed it was now or never, Bucky had been talking to Steve for the last two weeks trying to figure out how to end it each idea he had was either stupid, hurtful or just plain terrible. he took in a shaky breath "Baby your scaring me" he finally turned to face her, here goes nothing.

"I'm sorry"

"Sorry? Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry for leading you on this whole time, I've wanted to tell you for a while now and I promise you I've really been trying to find a way to phrase this- it's all I can think about everyday and every night. Lying with you besides me makes me feel so guilty I become sick and I can't...I don't want to keep lying to you like I have done, it's so stupid I know, I did love you I swear I really did but I don't feel the spark that we once had and I'm truly, truly sorry for all the pain that I have caused you. You can hit me, please punch me just do something."

She stood there motionless, the girl who seemed unbreakable, broke. The girl who always laughed, cried. The girl who never stopped trying finally gave up. She dropped the fake smile as a tear rolled down her cheek and whispered to herself "You don't love me? You lied to me all this time, everything we did meant nothing to you! You must have felt something at the beginning?" She had struggled to get to the door but now she stood in front of it ready to flee away from Bucky, "I did love you I just-I don't feel the same anymore, I've changed" BOOM thats the moment she lost it, her tears were like a raging river. (Y/N) grabbed the door handle and was instantly out of the room leaving it open enough for Bucky to see the massive mistake he just made. His heart felt like it was lying on the floor, today marked the day Bucky Barnes became a broken man even though he thought he was doing the right thing.

Last night the sun didn't set, it fell.

Bucky Barnes x reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now