Chapter two

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I woke up to my alarm buzzing on my bed, I turned it off and went out to feed the horses. I fed the horses and came inside and relized that I was home alone. I started getting worried. I texted both Skylee and mom and while I waited to hear back from them I got ready for the day.

I got out of the shower, turned my music on and did my make up and hair. I came downstairs and made breakfast. While I was eating I looked to see if someone responded to me but no one had. I was starting to get really worried. I just told myself that everything is going to be fine, and I went out to the barn and did my chores. I cleaned out the stalls and cleaned some tack, and still had not heard back from them.

After I did my chores, I saddled up Oklahoma. I put my tropical pro choice boots and bell boots on then went into the arena and worked him on the barrel pattern and poles. He did amazing!

I decided I'd push him through to see how he did, so I took him down to the end of the arena circled him a couple times then let him run! He's a beast! He ran his heart out to first, I kicked him to second, we then got to third in a heartbeat! We came home home haulin butt! I slowly brought him to a stop and said, "Good Boy!"

I took him on a trail to cool him out, and I thought I heard my phone go off, but it had not. It's been 3-4 hours since I texted them. We turned around and came back to the barn, I unsaddled then put him in the field. I got Dakota out and saddled him up and put on my mojave pro choice boots and bell boots then took him to the arena and gave him the same work out as Oklahoma. I also pushed him through and he rocked it as always!

I also took him on a trail ride to cool down. I got back to the barn and unsaddled Dakota and put him in the field with Oklahoma. I was just shutting the pasture gate when Sky finally responded to me! She said,
Skylee: Hey Keslie! Sorry I just saw this! I'm out with Kade heading to a rodeo, and I'm pretty sure that mom is also coming to the rodeo. I'm not sure though...
Keslie: Ok! I'm glad you finally got back to me! Who's horse are you using? All yours are here. Do you want me to work them for you?
Skylee: I'm using Kades sisters old barrel horse. And yes! Please work my horses and then can you let them out in the field?
Keslie: Ok! And yes I can!
Skylee: Thank you!
Keslie: Yep!

Now that I had heard from Sky I was a lot less worried! I came into the barn and got Montana out and saddled him up. I put my longhorn pro choice boots and bell boots on then yet again gave him the same work out as the other 2. We got back to the barn and unsaddled and I put him out in the field.

I went inside for lunch and mom was home, but she was in the bathroom so I didn't bother her. I ate some lunch when she came downstairs. "Hey Kes! What have you been doing?" She asked, "Hi! I've been out working the horses. Where have you been? It's been nearly 6 hours since you left!" I asked her, "I was going to go to Skylees rodeo, but I got stuck in lots of traffic cause of a bad wreck. So it took a while to get back home." She said, "Ok, I'm just glad your ok! I'm going out to work Skys horses now!" "Ok good luck with Jazz!" "Thanks! I'll need it!" I told her.

I finished lunch and went outside to the barn. I decided I'd start with my sisters green broke filly Jazz, she's only had 4 rides on her and this'll be her 5th ride. But she's a pretty good horse so far!

I got Jazz out and slowly put the saddle on her. I took her out to the round pen and lunged her then tied the lead rope up around her neck and slowly got on her. She did really good! A lot better than I expected! I took her on the rail and asked for a trot both ways and worked on her backing, after that I walked her around till she cooled and I hopped off and took her inside then unsaddled her and let her out in the field.

I moved on to her horse Jaguar. I got him out saddled him up and put my desert flower boots and bell boots on him and took him out and breezed him in the back field.

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