Chapter 15- Intrigued

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"We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone."

~Orson Welles


"Alright, let's not do this right now. On Monday you two can argue until your hearts are content." I reasoned.

"You're right," Dakota said, "you two go have fun!" She pushed me towards Harry, almost making me lose my balance in these deadly heals. Thankfully, Harry wound his arm around the small of my waist before I could fall.

I turned back to scowl at Dakota but she was grinning like a child on Christmas morning. She just might be more insane than me.

"Ready?" Harry asked, looking down at me since I was still held protectively against his chest.

"Yeah" I smiled up at him.

Dakota stood in the doorway as Harry and I stepped out the house.

"Wait.." I said.

He came to a halt and turned to me with a confused expression on his face. I quickly spun on my heel and found Dakota still at the door frame.

"You're staying at my house?" I asked, confused by the fact that she hadn't chosen to just go home instead. I mean, I wouldn't be there to keep her company so what's the point?

" I don't feel like going home.. Plus, your bed is really comfortable." She whined and gave me puppy dog eyes, silently pleading to be given permission to stay.

"Fine, you can stay. I expect half of the bed to be left for me" I pointed my finger at her accusingly.

"You could always take up half of my bed." I heard Harry say.

I didn't want to face him since the blush had probably taken over my entire face by now, it would simply be too embarrassing to turn around and let him see. This would give him even more to tease me about.

"Half the bed" I repeated to Dakota.

"Yes Ma'am" she saluted me and grinned in victory.

Turning back, I caught up with Harry once again. His hand rested on my hip as he guided me down the small path and over to his car. When we arrived, he opened the door for me and I hopped in. Someone has chosen to act like a gentleman tonight!

When the engine sparked to life and the low hum filled the atmosphere I turned to look at him.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

One thing about me is that I absolutely despise surprises. I'm more of the type who likes to know what's going on at all times. Well, that is unless it is completely out of my control which tends to happen from time to time.

"Not one for surprises,huh?" He chuckled, not removing his eyes from the road ahead. I'm quite thankful for that since I wouldn't want us getting into a car crash.

"Not really. I'd prefer to know what is happening" I answer honestly.

"You must have been terrible with surprise birthday parties if that's the case."

No matter what, I could never get enough of that euphoric accent of his. Sometimes I wish he would just continue talking and never stop.

"I never really- Wait. You're trying to distract me aren't you?" I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest.

Oh he's good. Actually had me distracted there for a while. Until my smartness kicked in! Nice try, Styles.

The light turned red and the car came to a halt, he turned to face me and tickled the underside of my chin.

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