Chapter 31- Guilt & Pleasure

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"I'll be your crying shoulder, I'll be love's suicide, I'll be better when I'm older, I'll be the greatest fan of your life."

~Edwin McCain


"So.." I say after snapping out of my astonished form.

"My house after school today" Dakota says as she picks up her bag and slings it over her shoulder. She still seems deep in thought and knowing her, she probably is. I nod at her and she nods back before exiting the cafeteria.

I am the last one to leave and the hall is quiet but my mind is the complete opposite. My thoughts are a loud rucus of confusion. Chloe is.. bisexual? I don't even know what to classify her as at this point. It isn't even clear if she truly wants to be with Harry or if she wants to use him to make herself straight. In all of this chaos I find myself feeling bad for her.

She is worried that her parents won't accept her for who she is. For what she is. Yes, I still want to have a normal relationship with Harry and not have her interfere but at the same time I want to help her. I don't know how but I do. Maybe there is something I can do that will convince her to stop trying to please her parents and do what will make her happy. She should not have to act like something she is not.

"Lauren!" I hear a whisper.

My head turns around and I see Harry peeking out from what looks like a supply closet. I check the hallway to make sure no one is coming around the corner before scattering towards the closet. His arm wraps around my waist and he pulls me in, closing the door afterwards and resting his back against it.

"I said your name at least ten times. Did you not hear me?" He asks and his eyebrows are scrunched together in question. His fingers comb through my hair, brushing it away from my face. His other arm still holding my body flush against his.

"I'm sorry, I was in deep thought." I tell him.


"A lot, and it feels like my brain is about to explode"

"Do you want to leave?"

I turn my head to the side in question, not fully comprehending what he is trying to ask.

"Skip the rest of the day.. We can go get some take out food" he clarifies.

"My parents would kill me if they found out I ditched school" I tell him and shake my head.

"Well," he says before taking his phone out his pocket and clicking the button, allowing the phone to illuminate, "- I have exactly 3 minutes to make you feel better" he says with a smirk.

Before I can ask what he means, his hand moves to the back of my neck and he brings his lips down onto mine. My palms are flat against his toned chest before one hand raises to play with the curls at the nape of his neck. His head moves down to my neck and he plants delicate, wet kisses all over. He begins to gently suck at the skin directly under my ear. I bite my bottom lip and my eyes squeeze closed. It feels painful in a good way and I didn't even know such a feelings was possible.

A moan escaped my mouth and I am surprised by my response to Harry's actions.

"I think that is my new favourite sound." He whispers in my ear and then pulls away to smirk down at me.

Even thought the closet is dimply lit, I am positive he can still see the redness that coats my normally pale cheeks.

"And now I know where your sweet spot is" he winks.

"I-I've never made a sound like that before." I admit.

He chuckles lightly before saying, "Baby cakes, that isn't the only noise you'll be making".

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