Chapter 24-Plans

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"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."

~Martin Luther King Jr


Lauren's POV

"So what all should I know about you, Daniel?" I inquire.

"I like guitar and science. I'm on the soccer team as well." He tells me.

"Interesting.. Who are your other friends?"

"A few guys on the team and I'm kind of forced to be friends with Chloe" he huffs out a breath and rolls his eyes.

Inside I am jumping for joy at the news. He is going to be a better help than I could have ever thought! If he is friends with Chloe , he has to know quiet a few things about her; including some deep secrets.

" Forced?" I tilt my head to the side in question.

"She is my neighbour and my parents are good friends with hers" he explains.

I say an 'ohhh' before nodding my head in understanding.

"How about you?" He turns his body to face me and moves a black strand of hair out of his face. It is nothing like how Harry's curls fall in his face.

Harry always pouts his lips a little bit when that happens before attempting to blow the hair back up. When it never even moves a centimetre, he is forced to move it by hand. Those soft, large hands that feel unbelievably comforting.

"What do you want to know?" I ask and wrap my arms around my legs and rest my head on my knees.

'Please don't ask personal questions' I mentally plead.

"What do you like to do for fun?"

"I like writing and watching movies I guess" I answer after a few moments. His eyes are concentrating on my lips as every word falls out. It is not something I am very comfortable with.

"We should watch a movie together sometime" he suggests with a smile.

"Sure, that would be cool" I say.

"What are you doing tomorrow after school?" He asks.

"Nothing that I know of, why?"

"How about I rent a movie or two and get some snacks then head over for a movie evening?"

"Tomorrow is Tuesday" I say and wonder why he would want to make plans for a Tuesday. It is the beginning of the week still and a not to mention it is a school night.

On the other hand, though, it will speed up the process.

"Any day is a good day for fun" he reasons.

"Fair enough" I say with a nod.

The bell rings and he stands up and extends his hand towards me. I accept the invitation as he pulls me up. He is extremely strong. My body is almost sent flying into the air but I land against his chest instead. He wraps his arm around my waist to help me keep my balance.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were that light" he chuckles out an apology.

"It's fine" I timidly pull back and wave goodbye as I continue on to my next class.


I open the door and step in, Dakota is just a step behind me and we are laughing about how she had been lost in her thoughts earlier.

The teacher had called her to answer a question but she remained looking through the window at the time. One of the boys near her had to tap her on the shoulder. She had almost hit him in response. It just goes to prove you should never sneak up on someone like that.

HazardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora