Chapter 26-Numb

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"One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving."

~Paulo Coelho


After the weird encounter with my father, I decided to go to my room and have time to myself.

So here I am opening up my door now. I step in and close the door behind me before walking toward my closet. Now I an finally change out of this stupid uniform!

My hands are instantly drawn to the pile of big shirts and I pull out one that falls down to my knees. A pair of comfy pyjama shorts are grabbed as well before I start making my way towards the bathroom to get changed. The clothes are put on before my teeth and face are brushed. When I'm done with my night routine, I make my way back into my bedroom. The first thing I do when I get in there is lay in my bed. My arms and legs are spread out as if I'm about to make a snow angel. The cool breeze from the air conditioning feels amazing compared to the heat outside.

A noise from not too far away catches my attention though. At first I don't think much of it, I'm probably just hearing things. But then it comes again and this time I'm able to recognise the noise.

It is like a knocking sound and it seems to be coming from my window that has the curtains tightly shut.

I can't see anything through them since they are thick and dark so that the sunlight is not able to invade in the mornings. Initially, I thought it was a pretty good idea but now it is great. If I'm not able to see beyond the barrier I'm almost positive that who ever is on the other side cannot look in.

Maybe if I remain silent they will just leave. My breathing gets softer and I keep my body absolutely still in the bed so that the bed doesn't creak like it always does whenever I turn at night.

Silence soaks into the atmosphere and the person must have chosen to leave since it doesn't sound like they are out there anymore.

'Knock knock knock!' they became more urgent this time around as they almost banged against the window.

Of course they're still here..

Okay, Lauren.. Don't be afraid. Just go up to the window and see who it is. If something goes wrong you can just scream and someone will surely hear you.

My legs begin to wobble as I step out of bed and my feet begin to slowly shuffle towards the large window. When I reach it , may hands grab a hold of either curtain and a deep breath is exhaled before I finally yank the two sides apart.

I see Harry's silhouette just outside the window on the tree and I'm scared senseless. My eyes widen and I nearly scream but I bite down on my tongue to prevent myself from doing so.

His green eyes look longingly into mine, hope is pooled within their depths. He motions for me to open the window and I oblige. The window opens and I'm finally face to face with him. I've missed him so much these past couple of days. He had grown into a part of my regular routine but he was stripped away from me and yet here he is, sitting on a tree outside my window.

"H-Harry" I breathe out his name.

"Can I come in?" He asks and I can hear the desperation coating his tone.

I stare at the door to my room nervously and bite down on my lip, contemplating whether or not to let him in. I'm not sure how my parents would feel if they walked in on me with a boy in my room. Not to mention they have no idea who he is. But then again.. I have missed his company so much and a little part of me lit up at the sight of him.

It's about time I stop over thinking things and just let life happen. With that being said, I stepped to the side to allow him more room to come in. A bright smile came over him before his long legs easily stepped through the space and he was now standing right in front of me. Both of us had our arms down by our sides and we are staring intently into each others eyes. Those gorgeous green eyes that I never want to look away from. After a few seconds of standing there our instincts kicked in and my arms were wrapped tightly around his neck while his were around my waist and he swiftly picked me up.

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