Chapter 2.

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Lance's Pov.

When I woke up we arrived at Hogwarts, or well, near it. We still had to take some boats across the lake to the actual school. Luckily I was in the boat with Hunk, Pidge and Keith. There was someone else too though, a teacher named Coran. He has a funny mustache.

I smiled to myself holding Sage tighter the closer we got to the school. She was still fast asleep in my arms.

"Are you guys excited to go to Hogwarts and learn how to be the best wizard or witch you can be?" Coran asked excitedly as he turned around to face us, a cute lizard was seen from inside his robe pocket, its tongue sticking out at us.

We all started blabbering on about how excited we were. But one wasn't. Keith. It seems like he really doesn't care about any of this.

"What about you Keith?" I decided to ask him, stepping out the conversation between Hunk, Pidge and Coran.

"Me?" He asked kinda shocked I even asked.

"Yes, you, mullet." I say teasing him with a smirk.

He just glared at me before speaking.

"It's cool I guess. Someone I know really wanted me to be here.. and I didn't have anywhere else to be anyways.. so I thought why not do something useful?" He said.

A content smile crept on my face, so he does talk..

"What house do you think or want to get into?" I ask him.

"I don't really know actually.. maybe Gryffindor?"

"Gryffindor?" I ask him with a chuckle.

"Yes, what's wrong with that?" He says slightly offended.

"Nothing, nothing. Sorry" I say quickly stopping my laughter.

"Me too. At least I hope so." I reply, and now he starts to chuckle.

"You? In Gryffindor?" He asks me still laughing.

"Hey! Stop that! I decided not to be mean and leave you alone! Leave me alone too then." I grumble pushing him slightly.

Sage jumped out of my arms with a sigh.

"And there he goes.." she mumbles sitting down bored as she watched the scene between me and Keith go down.

Another glare was shot my way as he pushed me back, I felt my arm hit the cold water before I quickly shot up at him.

The boat moved around quite a lot, almost throwing us overboard.

Pidge quickly sat up and jumped between the two of us as we kept the glare we had at each other going.

"You two, sit still." Coran said with a light chuckle.

"It was his fault.." I mumbled crossing my arms, turning my head to the side with a pout.

"What?! You pushed me first!" Keith replied unfolding his arms making the boat shake once more.

"Well you decided to be mean and laugh at me for wanting to be in Gryffi-"

"We're here!" Pidge hollers out eyeing the both of us with slight anger.

Sage finally had the courage to jump onto my shoulder again since we had arrived and there would be no potentially falling in water anymore.

I hear Keith mumble something under his breath as Sage does the same.

"Asshole.." a chuckle escapes my mouth at Sage's words.

"Couldn't agree more.." I whisper back, a soft laugh coming from Sage as we get out the boat.

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