Chapter 9.

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Lance's Pov.


That's all I felt as I stirred around on the uncomfortable bed.

Right side is super uncomfortable. Left sid-

"Argh!" I sputtered out as my eyes snapped open, I sat up at a speed I didn't even know was possible. My vision filled itself with white and black splotches as I started feeling sick to my stomach.

"That's not good." I mumbled out as I wrapped my right arm over my stomach, squeezing my eyes shut tightly.

"Lance!" I heard Sage call out my name in relief.

"Ah, Mr McClain. I thought we agreed you wouldn't be visiting us so soon after the last incident." The nurse joked as she walked over to me with Sage, a cup in her hand.

"Believe me, I don't want to be here either." I wondered off, a loud ringing sound filling my ears.

The splotches in my vision disappeared, but now it was just blurry, the ringing in my ears making everything even worse.

My head pounding, the nausea rising.

"Do you need a bucket?" The nurse asked me worriedly as she finally had made her way over to me.

The cup she held was a cup of water, now standing on the bedside table.

I took a deep breath in as I slightly nodded my head a 'yes'.

"Definitely." I sputtered out weakly.

So, this went on for quite some time. It feels like it went on for days, but it was probably just around an hour or so.

Madam Pomfrey was kind enough to keep my curtains closed, the less light the better. After my nausea spree she made me take some disgusting tasting medicine so I would hopefully feel a little better. Which yes, I do feel a little better now that I'm not puking every other minute.

My eyes were squeezed shut tightly as I had curled up underneath my blanket, burying my face into the pillow. I hated the taste in my mouth, but I couldn't get myself to eat or drink anything.

I'm trying to take it slow. Hopefully that'll help with a speedy recovery.

"Hey, Lance?" Sage whispered out as she laid beside me.

"Hmm?" I hummed back at her, refusing to open my eyes.

"Are you feeling any better yet?" She asked carefully, shifting.

"Not really, a little yeah, but not fantastic yet." I answered truthfully, slightly opening my eyes to look at her.

"I was actually scared Lance.." She whispered even quieter than before.

Her none existent eyebrows gave her the saddest expression I've probably ever seen on her. Her eyes watering.

"Hey, hey." I whispered back at her lifting my right arm from underneath my head to rub her ears.

I blinked a couple of times as I brought her closer to me, continuing the soft pats on her head.

"I'm here okay? I won't just leave you like that." I reassured her.

She let out a chuckle as I could feel her bring her paws over her head.

"I'm sorry, that was so unlike me." She chuckled out once more.

"Maybe it was future McClain speaking through you." I teased.

"Heh, sure- though if you think about it, they must have been through some shit to be so scared of loosing someone." Sage spoke up making my chest clench.

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