Return part 2

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Dracos POV

I sat in Malfoy Manor. Desperate to go outside before I returned to Hogwarts. I had two things on my mind. The pressure my dad and voldemort are giving me. And Harry Potter. Why Harry Potter? Ok I had to block this very thought for one reason. I have a crush on the boy who lived.

He is my chosen one. But we are enemies. My parents well my dad would kill me. My mother, Narcissa is more compassionate. After all she is a mother. My dad is pressuring me to listen to the dark Lord. I would join him to save my parents lives. Voldemort has said if I don't become a death eater he will kill my mom and dad.

But I don't want to cause I wanna tell Harry I loved him. But it Harry doesn't approve then I and my parents will die. Decisions, decisions and more decisions. I would let him read my thoughts then they're oblivious to the Dark Lord and his death eaters.

I went outside to catch some fresh air. My mom went to visit Snape and Bellatrix. According to the Daily Prophet. Death eaters destroyed a bridge and a lot more.

My question why did my mom go to see Snape. And what did BellaTrix have to do with it. I thought about Harry Potter. Potter. I'm acting like a girl right now. C'mon Draco man up. "Ah Draco." I hoped it was Potter but the voice was too low and skeptical.

"Yes Luc- Dad." I realized I was about to say Lucious in my head my father was never my father. "Well Dear boy what are you doing out here?" He hesitated. "Just thinking. Where's mother." He looked at me in a too eager way. "Attending to some business."

What business! Lord I need to know. "Come dear boy walk with me." My father put his hand on my shoulder. I noticed his wand with a snake skull. He was so into the while dark lord thing that he showed to much enthusasim towards it. "Have you made your decision?" I don't know have I? My dad was good with tricks so was Voldemort. My dad had a sense. "Oh wait Draco. The dark Lord wishes to see you." He said slowly like the pathetic actor he is.

I apparated to Voldemort. He stood with his snake. "Oh Draco." He hissed with enthusiasm. "Yes sir." He drifted towards me and whispered things. "You bettwr join the death eaters or there will be consequences. Join the death eaters." My face showed denial and refuseal. I wanted Harry Potter. I loved him. Voldemorts snake like, noseless face went from wickedly happy to betrayed and angry. "Join the death eaters. Or I kill your family." I froze and his evil smile came back.

I cared about my mom to much my little sister. My dad not really. But still my family. What do I do. I went under pressure. "Sir make me a death eater." I pulled up my sleeve on my right arm. He whispered something and I saw a tattoo appear on my arm.

I went back home and Snape started following me. Why it was like every time I was in danger or in trouble poof Snape was there. I packed my stuff for Hogwarts. I was now a death eater. I was forced to do evil when I wanted to do good. Be like Harry the Weasly and Hermione. I was jealous cause I wanted to be them. Hermione isnt a bad person and when she punched me that one time I deserved it.

I got on the train and talked to random slytherins. They all hated Harry was I the only one who didn't? When we arrived I told my friends to go. I could sense no one was watching but someone was listening. "Not very nice to eavesdrop." I sent a spell to send my luggage on top invisible person I realize I had hit Harry when I lifted the invisibility cloak. Oh no what have I done.

I got off the train I couldn't help him as much as I wanted to. Ugh when was I going to tell him. I dont know.

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