Quidditch tryouts.

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A/N: Ok so problem I have lost train of thought on which goes first the party Slughorn throws or the quidditch tryouts. But I want to wait for Harry and Draco to meet because it gets good ok I am going to start with Quidditch tryouts for a few reasons I cant explain so just go with it hey its a fanfiction after all. And I dedicate this story to my greatest friends and readers. LifeasaRavenpuff. Please follow her she is a great writer!!!And a Drarry Addict... This chapter is kinda long cause I want to fit the tryouts and a certain event I really want to say but can't oh but one thing this story does not have a happy ending. And I am combining points of view

Harry's POV:

I woke up to Hedwig chirping on my stomach. I had a nightmare. Sirius was alive and we were back in where me, Ron, Hermione, Luna and Neville were fighting the death eaters again. All I could hear was I killed Sirius Black, I killed Sirius Black. Then Voldemort was killing Mr. Weasley. Then Dumbledore. Then my friends it just was a bad dream and in the back ground all I heard was I killed Sirius Black, I killed Sirius Black. Hedwig's pleasant chirping and sharp talons digging into my stomach caused me to jolt out of nightmarish hell.

I admitted my feelings to a pained, stressed out, tired, Draco Malfoy. What was wrong with him? Lucius did seem like he caused stress on the boy. I put on my glasses. I read the note. Its from Draco and he likes me back yay. I told Hermione the news and she hugged me "I am happy for you Harry go for it." Ron was happy. On the outside. But I know my best friend. He hated it.

Later in potions. It was Gryffindor and Slytherin. Me and Ron were late. We fought over a text book. I got one that read property: Property of the half blooded prince. I stood by Draco. Who is gonna make the first move. "Hi Draco." He smiled. "Hi Harry." "So what does this make us." He froze. "I guess we are together now." Excitement bubbled up. It wasn't over but me and Draco were together. "So tonight yes." "Of course." 

At Quidditch tryouts Ron was the only one listening. Ginny was helping me this year. "Ok guys listen up." They still didn't listen. "Shut it!" Yelled Ginny. There attention was caught. "Ok just because you made the team last year doesn't mean you'll make it this year, is that clear." (A/N: I dare you guys to say that out loud in a British accent. It is a tongue twister.) After watching people fly around on broomsticks we made cuts. Ron made the team. Later I made my way to the Gryffindor dormitory. I didn't forget me and Draco's date. It was on my mind the whole time. 

(A/N: Please oh please don't hate me for combining Dumbledores death with Quidditch match but there is another death and I need to squeeze this all in I am having the worst writers block EVER!! School is where I get ideas but this hurricane causes cancelation for fucking ever. My apologizes please don't hate me.) 

I made my way up a tower and I heard Draco. He sounded like he was whimpering. "Draco, I can help you." said Dumbledore. "No! I have to do this... I have to kill you." Screamed Draco. No don't do this c'mon there is good Draco. Please Draco. Don't kill Dumbledore. Please. I went to go up. But a cold hand rested on my shoulder. Snape. He hushed me. And went up. "C'mon Draco you can do this. Fulfill the dark lords wishes." Bellatrix whispered. No I wanted to yell no. Snape was up there wand pointed. "Avada Kedavra." Wait Snape didn't kill Dumbledore. Draco did. I saw a flash of green and Dumbledore fall out of the window. Then I heard Bellatrix's cackle and her disappearance. 

I ran down the tower. I found Dumbledore's body on the ground. So still. So peaceful. Everyone was around him and they raised there wands. I found Draco raising his. Why was this happening to me...

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