The message

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A/N: it comes with the meeting so enjoy.

Dracos POV:

I returned to the slytherin common room. I sat by a fire next to Crabb and Goyle.

While daydreaming and being tense from the pressure of now becoming a death eater. I was the bad guy now and I never wanted to be. I wanted to be good but I followed in my father's footsteps since I was born. Being sorted into Slytherin. Then training and becoming a death eater. I rubbed my arm where the tattoo Is. Ugh.

The owl was brown and flew through the Slytherin window. It landed on the fireplace. The owl leaned its head forward.

"Hey girl." I patted her. And took the message. I read it.

Two in the morning huh and at the stroke. Crabb and Goyle started questioning me. No one knew I had a crush on Potter. But who was this secret admirer. I looked at the girls and boys who were staring at me for the message some giggled.

I twittled with my thumbs. I wasn't tired I haven't slept in days. Hogwarts had things against gays and lesbians. But lucky for me Potter and I wouldnt ever be together. My dad caused sleepless nights. I had to get Crabb or Goyle to slap me in the head with a book to wake me up. I had to get someone else to cast a spell if I needed it. I was to tired my joints and muscles go limp.

I would sit there in by the fire place lost in my ocean if thoughts and stress. If I did sleep I'd get nightmares. From what I heard I wake up screaming.

I grabbed my wand out of its harness around my slender pale legs. "Lumos." I murmured. I made my way down a hallway as the pictures said turn it off. Or go back to sleep boy.

I was walking as I ran into Snape.  "Professor." I greeted as calmly as possible. "Draco. What are you doing?" "I am going to the boys bathroom sir." "Ok be safe Draco use defensive spells. And watch your back."  I nodded slowly and confused.

I kept walking. Be safe? Why was he following me now? Why he safe? I'm fine. I think I got lost the dark. I was going right, left, North, left, foward I finally got to it.

I opened the door I saw nobody. I wandered around til I saw a boy. He had black hair, a roundish face. He wore Gryffindor colors. The thing that stood out were a scar and green eyes. Covered by roundish glasses. Whoops it was Harry.

"Well Harry Potter." He looked at me. "Have a secret admirer too?" He stared at me with no emotion.  "Actually Draco I was gonna ask the same thing." My nerves were telling me to go over there and kiss him. My blooded boiled as my cheeks stood out from my pale skin and hair. I got goosebumps.

"Draco...I like you." I passed out.

"Draco...DRACO!" I woke up to his voice in the hospital wing. It was just me and Harry yay. "Harry did you say you liked me?" He smiled. "Yep. I am your secret admirer. But you don't like me back so I must be going." Wait what no damn Draco say something. "Harry wait!" I said to quickly. He was already gone. God Damn it. I missed my chance I got up and ran back to the Slytherin dormitory it was 6 in the morning. I fell asleep being happy. Harry liked me. It was a miracle. I had to write back. I pulled out some parchment.

Dear Harry, 

                     I like you too actually. Maybe we can hang out somewhere private. If not I am busy meet me in the attic at the same time earlier.


I rolled it up and put it on an owl. "Gryffindor. Harry Potter." I whispered. The owl was off as snow began to fall. A white flake landed in my hand. It was peaceful.

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