Tears and a first

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(A/N: Its the last chapter hoped y'all enjoy. Uh not everybook has a happy ending. My greatest apologizes. Don't worry my friend will possibly slap me later.) 

Draco's POV:

I ran up to the tower where me and Harry were supposed to meet. I heard voices in my head.

You fulfilled Draco. Good job. We can rule.

Through my tears I stumbled to the stairs. And fell. Why was I made to be bad? I didn't want to be bad. I killed the greatest wizard and mentor ever who was so close to Harry. Why? I killed Dumbledore I repeated over and over. I might have hurt Harry. I will never find another one like him that... he would've taught me so much and Dumbledore could have taught me. He could have helped.

I sat on the stairs. Harry wasn't..."Harry?" Harry came up the stairs. His eyes puffy. He sat down beside me. "Harry I am so sorry." I buried my face in my hands. "Draco we know this isn't what you want. Why though?" I sniffled. "He who must not be named was going to kill my parents. Harry what's it like with no parents?" He blew his breath. "Well it feels like not having a purpose. You have no one to know like the back of your hand no teacher. No real home. No one to teach you how to ride a broomstick. Or defend yourself. No protector."

I sobbed. I put my head on Harry's shoulder. He rested his cheek on my head. He threaded our fingers together. "Thanks Harry. For being my chosen one." He smiled and pulled me up to the balcony. It was slightly snowy. With stars shining. He pulled me into a hug. Then kissed me. We kissed on the Balcony for three minutes. I felt light headed. "You are good Draco, its just within."

We stood there on the tower. I heard something behind me. Harry felt his scar and started exclaiming in pain. I turned. Voldemort. "Ah Malfoy. What a nice surprise. You like the enemy. As a matter of fact you love the enemy, why Draco. You fulfilled me. Just like your father but then you have to go on snogging this idiot." I felt myself bubble up. "He isn't an idiot." We started a duel. Harry on the ground with his agony. "Expelliarmus!" I shouted. "Crucio!" Voldemort shouted. "No" yelled Harry. I was hurting.

The pain was like a fire. I could feel blood coming out of my mouth. "Finite incantatum." Harry said pointing his wand to me. Voldemort chuckled evilly. Then he laughed. The he was in wicked hysterics Harry was by my side. Making sure I was ok. "Oh poor Harry it is your time." He snickered towards Harry. "Avada Kedavra!" A flash of green went towards Harry. I jumped in front of him. I was dead.

I saw a light and made my way to a white room. There was Dumbledore. "Ah Draco. We have been expecting you." I walked with Dumbledore. "You love Harry. Congrats." I was dumbfounded. "What sir?" "You risked yourself to save him. You wanted good Draco. A true wizard." 

Harry's POV: As Voldemort disappeared. I fell by Draco's limp body. Why? He was good and I knew this. I love you Draco is all I thought. I raised my wand I couldn't be apart from him. I would keep my friends safe from afar. I raised my wand. And pointed it to my head. "Avada Kedavra." I died. There was Draco by Dumbledore. We intertwined our fingers. And held on.


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