I wish they were real...

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Backstory: Aricka is Thomas'  17 year old next door neighbor, and they're pretty close friends. She also knows Joan and Talyn-she loves both of them a lot. Thomas inspired her to think of her own Sides, and this is where our story starts....


"Aricka's here!" was what greeted Aricka as she walked into the Sanders house. "ARICKA!" a very hyper Patton exclaimed, hugging her. 

"Hey Patton," she says, unable to hide a laugh. "How's it going?" she asks, as they walk in. "ROMAN!" she squeals, running over and hugging the fanciful trait. "Princey, it's great to see you."

"Greetings lady Aricka," Roman says, unexpectedly spinning her around. "It's been too long."

"Indeed it has," she replies, "Where's Thomas?" 

"Somebody call-Aricka!" Thomas cheers, and THEY hug. 

"I've missed you T," she says, and the pair lets go. "Where's Mama Lo and Verge?" at that moment, Virgil walks in. "Hey my li'l emo prince," she says, walking over to hug him. "How've you been? I missed you." 

And of course, Logan walked in at that time. "Mama Lo!" she exclaimed, using the nickname she'd called him since forever. A-tiny-smile tugged at Logan's lips, and he let her hug him.

"Hello figurative child," he says, patting her back. "How was your summer break?"

"Amazing-I love Disneyland!" Aricka and her family had spent three weeks of summer vacation at Disneyland in California, before spending the rest of the summer in San Diego visiting her aunt and uncle who lived there. "And then we wen to Sea World, and then we spent a whole Day in L.A-we saw the HOLLYWOOD WALK OF FAME!" that last part was excitedly squealed. 


~Later that night*

(Her parents are okay with her spending the night at Thomas'-once they even left her at his place while they went to Orlando to celebrate their anniversary for the weekend.)

Aricka was cuddled up next to Roman-"big bro" as she called him-watching a Disney movie. (It was Cinderella, fyi.) "Ro," she starts, looking up at him. "You know my Sides, right?"

"The one Thomas inspired you to create?" he asks, and she nods. "Yes-Roma, Logann, Vira, and Pat, if I remember."

"Uh-huh." she was frowning a little. "I wish they were real. Like-real like you guys are. I wanna be able to talk to them, like Thomas is with you guys." she leans her head against him. "I guess that watching these movies are making me want to wish again."

"Then wish," he says. "Anything can happen, right?"

That made her grin. "Yeah. It can."

And it will....

Wait-you're real?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ