How Are You Guys Here?

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After the several minutes of emotional group hugs, pictures taken by the proud dad (Patton), and TONS of happy tears later, we were all back in the main room, sitting down. Of course, the five of us sat next to each other-except Vira wanted to sit in my lap, not that I minded. "So, as glad as we are to see Aricka smiling so much, I think we all have questions," Virgil says. I nod.

"Right, like-how are you guys even here? Like, I understand why Thomas' Sides are here, but, like-you guys are just part of my imagination, right? And if you aren't, that means you're actually physical representations of me." 

"I was waiting for this question!" Roma says, smiling and rocking side-to-side. "It's because of your wish! We've always been there, since you thought of us. But for us to actually become real, you had to want us to be.  We couldn't do it ourselves."

"And yes, we are physical representations of your Logic, Morality, Creativity, and Anxiety," Pat begins.

"But with one major difference-we're also very human," Logann says. "It's confusing, but think of it like a system of equations-it consists of different parts, but it's still the same person. We're all different people, but we're still part of you. Make sense?"

I  nod, the puzzle seeming to fit together easily. "Yeah. But now that brings up another issue-how am I going to explain to my parents that-"Hey, my Sides I imagined are now real, and are very much human, so we need to house them."" 

"I think I might have the answer to that," Vira says. "Do you think we could try going back to the Mind Palace?"

"Oh, if you can, can I come too-wait, what even happens when you go there? Like, if I go, too?" I ask.

"You black out here," Logan answers. "It's in your head, so you essentially  pass out." I shudder, but nod.

"Cool. Let's do it!"

"Alright, Aricka, think of what you envision your Mind Palace to be," Lola says. I do, and everything goes black.

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