Black Silver Trailer

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A/N: Ok so GhostAssassinWriter had a great idea and told me and Lunarr_Mysterie "What if they had their own little trailer like RWBY did" so there's going to be four trailer chapters before the story starting with- Ghost/Theseus.

I spoke to God today and she said she was ashamed of what I have done what I have become

A figure in black is walking down the street and he enters a shop for weaponry

I spoke to the devil today and he says he is not to blame

"Hey, do you have any bullets for this caliber and style of guns" the figure lays his guns down on the counter

And I understood cause I feel the same

The shop keeper looked at the guns in a combination of confusion and amazement
Never in his life had he ever seen such weapons in his entire life
"Wh-what rounds do they take?" he ask his customer

Arms wide open I stand alone

The man smiled before adding a dry chuckle
".44 magnum rounds or .50 cal rounds. Either one works"

Im no hero and Im not made of stone

The shopkeeper went to grab the ammo when a group of thugs walked in raising their weapons
"Alright gentlemen this is a robbery hand ov-" before he could finish his head was separated from his body

Im on the wrong side of heaven

The rest of the thugd looked and saw the customer standing there with a bastard sword resting on his shoulder glowing black silver

And the rightous side of hell

He grinned wickedly before throwing his sword like a spear at one then quickly grabbed his guns

The wrong side of heaven and the rightous side the rightous side of hell

The man turned around firing three shots killing three thugs quicker than amyone has ever done in the history of Remnant

I heard from God today and she sounded just like me
What have I done and who have I become

The man threw down the guns charging the remaining thugs before flicking his wrists causing two blades to extend

I saw the devil today and he looked a lot like me
I looked away, I turned away

He dug them into two thugs' chests killing them instantly and grabbed their weapons using them against their comrades

Arms wide open
I stand alone
I'm no hero and I'm not made of stone

The man continued his killing spree until one thug was left shaking and staining his pants yellow and brown

Right or wrong
I can hardly tell

The thug was picked up by the throat causing the thug to shake even more

Im on the wrong side of heaven and the rightous side of hell

The customer smirked and threw the thug out of the store and stood in the doorway.
"Wh-What are you?" the thug asked still shaking whil on the ground

I'm not defending
Downward descending
Falling further and further away
Getting closer every day

The man looked up at the sky before returning his gaze back to the thug. "Im someone you don't fuck with."

I'm getting closer every day
To the end, to the end, the end

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