Pale Blue Trailer

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A/N: Lunarr_Mysterie wrote this. This is Rain's Trailer. Play song up top while reading

Leaves crunched underneath dark boots as faint growls filled the air slowly, but yet she couldn’t pinpoint where they were coming from to kill.

I’m an angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun,

I’m an angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun

The night was as dark as tar, the wind quiet and the air still. Perfect enough to hunt and yet the monsters wouldn’t show their cowardly faces.


A rustle or two in the bushes; more leaves falling off the trees. The wind beginning to pick up, and her excitement growing as several pairs of neon red surrounded her.

Get out your guns, battles’ begun

Are you a saint or a sinner?

“Now the fun can begin.”

A grin spread across her face, shining brightly like a twin moon. Swinging her golden dagger, forged by angel blood, she pointed it dangerously close to the first incoming monster, one move closer and goodbye.

If love’s a fight, then I shall die

With my heart on the trigger

The monster roared, running closer and closer to the girl before she swung her dagger, cutting the monster’s head off like slicing through butter.

She laughed victoriously, dark blood spotting her cape. As more monsters rand closer, she only laughed louder and disappeared into the trees.

They say, “before you start a war,

you better know what you’re fighting for.”

Well, baby you’re all that I adore

If love is what you need, a soldier I will be

The monsters howled in confusion, wondering where their brown-haired prey went.

In this game, she was the predator.

A golden glint flying through the trees, hitting its target head on and falling dead before it even hit the ground.

I’m an angel with a shotgun, fighting till’ the war’s won

I don’t care if heaven won’t take me back

She burst through the forest, catching the monsters mid-roar, pulling her dagger and spraying the monster’s dark blood like rain.

Shrieking at their fallen comrade, the monsters charged the young girl, but she only gave them a smirk and stood still.

I’d throw away my faith babe, just to keep you safe

Don’t you know you’re everything I have

With a joyous roar, she cannonballed herself into the incoming horde, slicing and dicing her way through the beasts.

But before she could slice one monster’s head off, it’s claws cut her across her side, leaving a dark well of blood pouring out and spreading across the ground.

This only further enraged the girl, her smug grin turning to a snarl of fury. She swung her dagger, leaving an empty pocket of air where the monster once stood.

Her aura glowed a bright blue, competing with the moonshine overhead. She could tell she scared the monsters to their very core, even though she was just a small little girl with a very sharp blade.

And I, I, I want to live

Not just survive tonight

All through the night, she fought tirelessly against the beasts, leaving no monster standing once the stars began to sing their notes of goodbye.

And finally, just as the moon began to sink beneath the western horizon, the girl laid burnt out and weary after a night of hunting, bleeding out from many holes in her luminous skin.

Her braided hair was matted with sticks and blades of grass, her clothes ripped to shreds and covered with dried up monster blood, along with her own.

As she stood, she watched the wind blow across the treetops, scattering orange and red leaves far away into the sky.

Everything was good.  

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